Dexter Forum Notes 01-20-18

Co-moderator John Hansen’s notes:

“Our secret admirer brought us apples today.  Just the right size, too.  It is nice to be appreciated.

“Geoff Baker gave a shout out to the Dexter boy’s basketball team for their exciting victory over Chelsea 52-50.

“Folks were curious about the impact of the federal shutdown on local government.  It seemed to be the consensus of our elected officials that the shutdown has little effect on any level of government – including the federal level. Everybody just goes about their duties until the folks in Washington smell the coffee and get down to business.

“We had a meteor.  Finally, we were in the national news for something other than dirty water and abusing gymnasts.

“We rely on ‘those present’ to create our agenda at each meeting.  Things are a little slow right now on the political front and we have run out of intersections to propose for roundabouts so we charted a little new territory by doing a rundown on the candidates for governor.  We will have a new governor since terms limits apply to our current leader.  Each party has four declared candidates so we solicited positive comments about all eight.  We had folks in the room who had connections with all of them so we got a nice preview of the upcoming August primary.  We will keep the stump handy just in case any of them want to address our group.

“The next meeting of the Dexter Forum will be held on Saturday, February 3, 2018 at 8:30 AM at the Dexter Wellness Center.

“The Dexter Forum is supported by the Dexter Wellness Coalition as part of the 5 Healthy Towns initiative to “help connect with others in healthy ways”.  The purpose of the Forum is to create an opportunity for interested women and men to gather to discuss important issues facing our community.  All are welcome on a drop-in basis.  The group meets on the first and third Saturdays of the month.

“The Forum is co-moderated by Karl Fink and John Hansen.

“If you wish to be added to the Forum mailing list just send a request to  You will get meeting reminders, meeting notes and nothing else.”

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