Dexter-Ann Arbor Road Improvement Project Informational Meeting

The Washtenaw County Road Commission (WCRC) will be pulverizing and resurfacing Dexter-Ann Arbor Road from Dan Hoey Road to Zeeb Road in Scio Township.

You are invited to a construction information meeting on Tuesday, February 20 at 6:30 p.m. at the Scio Township Hall, 827 N. Zeeb Road Ann Arbor, MI. WCRC staff will be in attendance to share construction details.

During this project WCRC and its contractors will:

  • Mill and/or pulverize the existing pavement surface on Dexter-Ann Arbor Road, apply new asphalt and place new gravel shoulders. Roadway dimensions will stay the same (i.e. no new lanes for traffic).
  • In order to smoothly match the improved roadway:
    • Concrete approaches to paved driveways will be replaced with concrete.
    • Asphalt approaches to paved driveways and side roads will be replaced with asphalt.
    • New gravel will be used on existing gravel driveway approaches.

Project Timeline:

WCRC’s contractor, Ajax Paving Industries, is planning to begin construction in April. The project is expected to take three to four weeks to complete, weather pending.

Once the start date has been finalized, WCRC will issue a media advisory, post on WCRC’s Facebook and Twitter pages and include the date in the WCRC Weekly Road Work Update email.

This project will be completed before the Baker Road Roundabout project begins this summer.

Construction Meeting Details:

WHEN: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.

WHO: Residents and commuters are invited to meet with WCRC officials.

WHERE: Scio Township Hall 827 N. Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, MI

Detours and Access:

  • When construction work begins in April of 2018, Dexter-Ann Arbor Road between Dan Hoey Road and Zeeb Road will be closed to all users who do not live or own property internal to the project limits.
  • Ajax Paving Industries will be required to provide access to residents and property owners internal to the project limits during construction. However, as with any construction project, there may be brief periods where the contractor cannot provide access to your home or business while working on your driveway approach or other task.
  • Road users who do not live or own property internal to the project limits will be required to follow posted detour routes or use another alternate route during construction. The posted detour route will utilize Zeeb Road, Jackson Road and Baker Road.
  • Ajax Paving Industries will coordinate mail delivery and garbage collection residents and property owners internal to the project limits during construction.

For more information visit the project page and sign-up to receive the Weekly Road Work Update email at

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