Weekend Trail Report: Wilderness Adventure In Dexter’s Mill Creek Park

I had twenty minutes in between interviews in Dexter. Not wanting to just sit … in a Honda Element … waiting … imprisoned … feeling like a shlump with the sun teasing me, laughing at my predicament while it was out there having fun.

What was I going to do for twenty-minutes? Wander the streets of Dexter without purpose or direction? Squander my life away longing for the apple fritters of my youth? Glancing in the Element’s rear view mirror from where I was parked, I saw my salvation: Mill Creek Park.

The river, the walkway, the art, cattails, and trees called to me. But did I have time? The sun stopped its dancing across the glittery snow and cobalt blue water just long enough to reach an arm towards me, beckoning me to come and join the fun. I opened the Element’s door and did. You don’t have to beckon me twice.

God bless the City Fathers and everyone involved in creating this park on the west end of Dexter just off Main Street across from the fire station. Wilderness adventure is less about getting lost in the wild for hours or even days, and more about just getting out where you are, if even for twenty-minutes.

After the interview, I went back to the park.

Here are some pics.


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