WCRC Responds To Tree Cutting Push Back

Posted this afternoon by the Washtenaw County Road Commission:

This winter we embarked on two safety projects that included tree removals on Mast Road in Webster Township and N. Territorial Road in Northfield and Salem Townships.

As you may know there has been a lot of attention on these projects. We have heard from some residents in favor of the work but many others who are opposed to the removal of trees.

We have heard these concerns and take them seriously.

But we also take safety very seriously.

We believe these are good projects that will make our roadway safer. But we understand that Washtenaw County residents have some real concerns about the way these projects were carried out.

Yesterday afternoon, the Road Commission Board decided to take a step back. They decided to turn-back a 2019 safety grant for a similar project on a section of N. Territorial Road; we were awarded this grant earlier this year.

This action does not mean we are giving up on this type of project forever, trees that are too close to the road continue to be a great hazard to the traveling public.

This action does mean that we are reviewing our community engagement strategies and will be making some adjustments to be better partners with our citizens.

Infrastructure work is all about balance; the board and staff of the road commission tries to make sound, engineering-based decisions while engaging the public. We are proud to be your road commission and look forward to the future.

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