Statewide Tornado Drill is a “Go” for Today

From the Michigan State Police:

All Michiganders Encouraged to Participate in The Statewide Preparedness Activity at 1 p.m.                                                                             

LANSING, MICH. The Michigan State Police, Emergency Management and Homeland Security Division (MSP/EMHSD) says today’s statewide tornado drill is a “go”. At 1 p.m. EDT, the National Weather Service will issue a mock statewide tornado warning.

Businesses, organizations, families, and individuals are encouraged to engage in this statewide preparedness activity, but are not required to do so. Nearly all state of Michigan facilities will participate.

Michigan residents participating in the statewide tornado drill will observe or hear alerts on NOAA Weather Radios and participating TV and radio stations. To learn how local alerts are administrated in your community and if your community is participating, contact your local emergency management agency.

While tornadoes can occur during any time of the year, they are especially common during the late spring and early summer months. As one of nature’s most violent storms, they can devastate homes and property in just seconds.

The average lead time for tornadoes to develop is 10 to 15 minutes, which means residents need to be ready to react quickly when a warning is issued.

For more information about being safe before, during and after a tornado, follow the MSP/EMHSD on Twitter at @MichEMHS or go to Emergency preparedness information is also available at

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