Start Date For Dexter-Ann Arbor Rd Construction

The wait is over.

Start planning your detour now as the heavily traveled stretch of road leading eastward out of Dexter gets some much needed, and long overdue construction.

The tentative start date for the Dexter Ann Arbor Road project is Monday, April 30, 2018. The Washtenaw County Road Commission will be managing the project to pulverize and resurface Dexter-Ann Arbor Road from Zeeb to Dan Hoey/Ryan Dr. The project should take approximately four weeks to complete. Dexter-Ann Arbor Road will be closed to thru traffic during the project. Residents of Dexter Crossing and Victoria Condos will need to use the subdivision entrance off of Dan Hoey.

Dexter-Ann Arbor Road will be re-opened prior to the closure of Baker Road for the roundabout project. The roundabout project is scheduled to start in mid-June and will require a full closure of Baker as work is performed at the Dan Hoey and Shield intersections. A public meeting on the roundabout project will be scheduled once the contractor is selected this spring.

For updates on Dexter road projects throughout this construction season please visit –

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