Dexter Forum Notes 04-21-18

From moderator John Hansen:

Information on the Dexter Forum can also be found at

We began the meeting with a discussion of the challenges involved in providing broadband internet service to rural residents at the end of ‘the last mile’.  High speed internet access has become almost essential to modern life but is still not universally available.  We learned that Sharon Township has a proposal on the ballot to build its own system and we also learned that a group of private citizens financed their own tower in Webster Township.

Officer Egeler of the marine patrol division brought us up to date on marine safety issues.  Make sure your craft is registered and has a current sticker on the hull.  Make sure that you have enough life jackets for every person.  Be aware that many marine accidents involve alcohol.  And watch out for a bill moving through the legislature that will require registration for everything from kayaks to paddle boards to rubber duckies.

There were several infomercials for upcoming events.  Folks are encouraged to leave their flyers on the table just outside our meeting room.

We learned that the construction activity on Dexter Ann Arbor Road near Old National Bank is for a new child care center.

Progress continues on the deliberations over our fire/police/municipal service facilities with a recent 4-3 vote declaring what will not be done (improve current fire station).  This issue was well covered in the most recent Sun Times News.

We wrapped up with a progress report on the Voters not Politicians ballot proposal to establish an independent commission to draw our legislative boundaries.  They are confident that they have enough signatures and are just awaiting official approval to be on the November ballot.

The next meeting of the Dexter Forum will on Saturday, May 5 at 8:30 AM at the Dexter Wellness Center at 2810 Baker Road.

The meeting after that on May 19 will be given over to Bridge Magazine as part of their state-wide Truth Tour.    More information on this event can be found at

The Dexter Forum is supported by the Dexter Wellness Coalition as part of the 5 Healthy Towns initiative to “help connect with others in healthy ways”.  The purpose of the Forum is to create an opportunity for interested women and men to gather to discuss important issues facing our community.  All are welcome on a drop-in basis.  The group meets on the first and third Saturdays of the month.

The Forum is co-moderated by Karl Fink and John Hansen.


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