Dexter Welcomes Air Force Security Specialist Deborah Trimble as Memorial Day Parade Speaker

Dexter Rotary Club is proud to announce Air Force Security Forces Specialist Deborah Trimble as the 2018 Memorial Day Parade Speaker.

Deborah is a Pat Tillman Scholar just completing her second year at the University of Michigan Medical School specializing in orthopedic medicine. She served four years as an Air Force Security Forces Specialist (Military Police) followed by four years in the Louisiana National Guard.

Deborah was studying criminal justice with the intention of transitioning into law enforcement when her younger brother was seriously injured serving in Afghanistan. The compassion her brother and the rest of her family experienced from the surgical team and staff at Brooke Army Medical Center inspired Deborah to change her path and pursue a career in orthopedic medicine. 

Deborah learned the value of service and sacrifice at an early age growing up on a small farm, homeschooled by her parents. She and her siblings joined the military for its tradition of sacrifice, dedication and excellence. Together, they wanted to be part of something greater than themselves. It was the personal tragedy of almost losing her brother in the Afghan War that directed Deborah into another calling, that of a doctor.

In the days after her brother’s injury, Deborah gathered with family and friends at Brooke Army Medical Center. As her brother fought through the agony of surgery and recovery, Deborah and her family witnessed an outpouring of compassion, commitment and sacrifice from his team of surgeons, nurses and caregivers.

Inspired by their skill and dedication to save her nineteen-year old brother’s life, Deborah made a promise to begin the long journey toward a career in medicine. Now, as a Tillman Scholar at University of Michigan, she is focused on pursuing orthopedic medicine, in large part, due to her brother’s lead surgeon at BAMC. While committed to working with veterans and their families, she hopes to someday be able to provide the same honest encouragement that her brother’s medical team gave to her family.

You can hear more of Deborah’s story in Veteran’s Park in downtown Dexter immediately following the parade.

The 2018 Dexter Memorial Day Parade with be held on Monday, May 28 on Main Street. The parade starts at 10:00 am.

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