Scio Township Looking for Election Inspectors

From Jessica Flintoft, Deputy Clerk, Scio Township:

The Scio Township Clerk’s Office is in search of civically minded citizens to participate in our electoral process as election inspectors.

Election inspectors are responsible for the oversight and implementation of the voting process at the precinct level. After receiving training from the Clerk’s Office, inspectors are assigned precincts and shift. Each election day, inspectors are there to help voters with the process.

We provide early morning donuts, suppertime sandwiches, and a small hourly wage. An hour lunchtime break is “on your own”.

If you are interested in participating in local government as an election inspector, contact the Clerk at (734) 369- 9400 or visit election-worker-positions/ and look for the application to become an election inspector.

Regular Elections in August and November

The Primary Election is August 7th, and the General Election is November 6th. Make sure you are registered to vote, check your precinct, and review a sample ballot for upcoming elections at

Register to Vote

Any day is the right day to register to vote. However, July 9th is the last day to register to vote to be eligible to vote in the August 7th election. Recently, nationwide and locally, there have been pushes to register eligible high school students to vote. While people must be 18 years old by an election day to vote in that election, people can register to vote when they are 17.5 years old. Please encourage your children, grandchildren, and other newly eligible voters to register.

What Helps You Get Out to Vote?

A large number of Scio Township voters vote via absentee ballot. In fact, in the November 2016 election, over 30% of votes were cast absentee (3,127 of 10,368 votes cast). People eligible to vote absentee may apply to do so prior to each election. For the rest of us who vote in person, we at the Clerk’s Office are looking for ways to help Scio voters get to the polls more easily. We want to hear from you about what we might do differently to help you get the polls. More information about transportation to polls? Other information? Let us know! Contact me at jflintoft@ with your suggestions.

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