St James Hosts Coffee Hour Featuring Discussion On Gerrymandering & Voter Suppression

St. James Episcopal Church in Dexter is hosting an informative meeting on a hot political topic on Michigan’s ballot for the coming election in November.

This Thursday evening, June 14, beginning at 6:30 pm, for their last Coffee & Conversation before summer break, June 14, beginning at 6:30 pm, St. James will host the groups Voters Not Politicians and The League of Women Voters who will be discussing two non-partisan ballot proposals that address gerrymandering and voter suppression.

Gerrymandering is the practice of manipulating the boundaries of an electoral constituency in order to favor one party over another. The grass roots movement, Voters Not Politicians, have successfully garnered enough signatures to get a proposal on the ballot this November that would end gerrymandering if passed.

Voter suppression in the United States concerns various efforts, legal and illegal, used to prevent eligible voters from their right to vote. The League of Women Voters have long been champions of everyone’s right to vote.

New voters will also have the chance to be registered Thursday night at St. James.

“In talking to some young people I realize that some are intimidated about how to enter into this adult world of voting,” says Janet Cook of St. James. “They don’t know where to go to register or how to register to vote.”

St. James hopes to offer an opportunity for those perhaps overwhelmed by the process a chance to get registered and join in the political process as well as taking the first steps in understanding these two political issues.

Everyone is invited to come, listen, and share their thoughts.

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