Statement from state Rep. Donna Lasinski (D-Scio Township) on her votes on the FY 2018-19 budget bills:
LANSING — Today, the House of Representatives approved the state budget for fiscal year 2018-2019. State Rep.Donna Lasinski (D-Scio Township) voted in favor of the general omnibus budget and was opposed to the school aid budget. In response, Rep. Lasinski issued the following statement:

“Before coming to the Legislature, I dedicated much of my life to education advocacy, working closely on school budgets as a school board treasurer and leader of the Education Millage Team in Washtenaw County. I understand all too well the negative impact on students that the continual underfunding of schools has had. There are significant flaws with the School Aid budget — including taking $900 million from the School Aid fund for the General Fund, sending public school dollars to for-profit schools, continuing inadequate funding for classrooms, and the failure to fully fund our schools to meet 21st century education needs. The communities I represent count on me to be their voice at the Capitol, and I remain committed to voting in their best interest. The bottom line is that I know we can do better for our schools, and I will make the voices of my constituents heard.”