The City Addresses Water Usage and Discoloration

The City of Dexter recently updated residents on the subjects of water usage, water discoloration, sewer system preventive maintenance, sidewalk repairs, utility bills and the next Community Engagement Workshop for the 3045 Broad Street Redevelopment Project.

From the City:

Water Usage

“Water usage in the City is now exceeding 1 million gallons per day. Typical usage in the winter is between 250,000 and 350,000 gallons per day. It is essential that everyone adheres to the prohibition on watering between 6 am and 10 am and the odd/even restrictions. If you are watering regularly, please check your automatic sprinkler systems to make sure they are set to match your odd/even address and to water earlier or later in the day.

“Since we started the water restrictions in 2013, we have only handed out reminder notices. According to City Ordinance, however, we are able to issue tickets for an amount up to $500 per occurrence to those who have been repeatedly caught violating the water restrictions. Please help us conserve our water resources by cooperating with the restrictions.

Water Discoloration

This week, the City received several calls about discolored water. This is a consequence of both the high water usage and the various construction projects that require connections to the water system. The discoloration is caused by a natural build up of minerals in the water lines. These mineral deposits are stirred up when the usage is high and when valves are turned to allow for connections to made to the water system. The discoloration can be cleared by running the cold water in the highest bathtub or shower in the house until the water runs clear.

Sewer System Preventative Maintenance

“The City has received a grant from the State of Michigan to televise sewer main in the City. The goal of the grant is to help cities create an asset management plan for the sewer system. Starting the week of July 16, 2018 city contractor Metro Environmental will be televising the sewer lines south of Ann Arbor Street on Forest, Grand and Inverness. If necessary, in addition to the televising, the sewer mains will be cleaned with a vactor truck, which puts high pressure water through the main. The process requires accessing the sewer lines through manholes. Please proceed with caution when driving through these areas while the work is occurring.

“If you have any questions about the work, please contact the Utility Department at 734-426-4572 – Monday through Friday from 7 am to 3:30 pm.

2018 Sidewalk Project

“The 2018 sidewalk project is now complete. Thank you to everyone in the project areas for your patience with the project.

May/June Utility Bills

Water/sewer/refuse bills for May/June will be mailed out on Monday, July 16, 2018. The bills are now a full page stuffed in an envelope instead of a postcard. This new format allows us to provide more detailed information on the payment options, as well as usage history.

3045 Broad Street Redevelopment – Community Engagement Workshop

Thank you to all who attended the Community Engagement Workshop on Tuesday, July 10, 2018. The slides from the presentation can now be accessed at – . If you have any comments to share about the project please feel free to contact a member of Council or staff or leave the feedback electronically at (reference 3045 Broad in your post).

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