Dexter among swim clubs at WISC swimming and diving championships this week

The area’s best young swimmers are splashing it up this week at the annual Washtenaw Interclub Swim Conference (WISC) Swimming & Diving Championships. The swimming events will run through Thursday at Pioneer High School. The diving events are being held at several of the local swim clubs.

Participating teams include Dexter, Chelsea, Milan, Barton Hills, Georgetown,

Racquet Club, Huron Valley, Lincoln, Chippewa, OHAC, Forest Brook and Travis Point.

Swimming goes from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. each day at Pioneer. Diving is in the afternoon.

The championships feature boys and girls swimmers ages 13 and over (Monday); 9-10 (Tuesday); 8 and under (Wednesday) and 11-12 (Thursday.

The event is open to the public. There is a $2 entry fee.

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