DUMC Stuffs Bus For Faith-In-Action

Dexter United Methodist Church used their bus for a different kind of transport this past Sunday. Instead of carrying passengers, the church held a “Stuff the Bus” event for Faith in Action (FIA) where church-goers filled the vehicle with food items for the local charity to redistribute.

FIA is a community funded, faith based assistance and resource center serving the Chelsea and Dexter areas. Out of their two locations they provide clothing and household items free to those who qualify, financial assistance with utilities and rent, back to school assistance with supplies and new clothing, counseling, and general life assistance wherever they can.

DUMC has supported Faith in Action for many years at other levels beyond food collection. The church collects periodic offerings designated for FIA, members volunteer their time to work the food pantries as well as other projects that FIA’s clients may need. Sunday’s “Stuff the Bus” was another effort in a long series of community support DUMC provides FIA as well as other area charities.

Dexter resident Jane Boyce was doing double duty this past Sunday as the bus was filled. She serves on the FIA Board and attends Dexter United Methodist Church. She says, “The bus doors opened at 8 a.m. and four hours later the bus was stuffed!! Every seat crammed, the floor under the seats were full, the handicap area and the entire aisle was jammed packed with bags overflowing with food, cleaning supplies and paper products.”

After the last church service, the supplies were bussed down the road to FIA’s Dexter location on Joy Rd where it took 20 volunteers over two hours to unload and sort the donations. Stews, soup, baking mixes, pasta, tuna, canned vegetables, cereals, and cleaning products were all categorized and the shelves were stocked.

Jane says, “What an amazingly satisfying feeling to know that for the next several months, the people who struggle to make ends meet…seniors, physically or mentally disabled and those working for minimum wage…will be able to fill their grocery bags at the FIA food pantry thanks to the generosity of the caring DUMC congregation.”

You can learn more about Faith in Action at http://www.faithinaction1.org/

If you would like to know more about Dexter United Methodist Church and their work in the community, you can find it on their website at http://www.dexterumc.org/

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