I-94 Closure (Again) for Repaving and Two More Projects

Two new projects affecting our area and an update on some road construction in progress.

I-94 Closure, Eastbound

I-94 eastbound will be closed by MDOT from M-14 to US-23 for resurfacing.  I-94 will be closed Friday, August 10, at 10 p.m. and will reopen Monday, August 13, at 5:00 a.m.

North Territorial Road Resurfacing

North Territorial Road between Mast Rd and Donovan Rd will be resurfaced beginning August 20.  The road will be open but WCRC tells motorists to expect delays due to lane restrictions. The project is expected to be finished by August 24.

Dan Hoey Road Update

Dan Hoey Road continues to be closed for reconstruction to provide safe and efficient access to the twin elementary school campus by creating turn lanes.  The project is being managed by Granger Construction (who is also building the new elementary school).  The road project is expected to be finished September 2.

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