Local Artist Chris Monaghan Takin’ It to the Streets

Sharpening up their skills for the Dexter Chalk the Block Festival this Saturday, August 11, Dexter’s own Chris Monaghan and other artists recently took to the streets of Chelsea during their Sounds & Sights event.

Chris joined national top chalkers Ever and husband and wife team Dave & Shelley Brenner, as well as many others for the Chelsea Chalk Art Festival.  The featured artists were in a category of their own.  Chris competed with other local artists and says, “It’s always a great experience sharing what we do with the community.”

“I’ve been chalking for roughly 8 years,” explains Chris. “My first competition was in St. Joseph, MI. In addition, I’ve done chalk pieces in Dexter, Chelsea, Manchester and Ann Arbor.”

While Chris has exhibited his talent in other communities, the highlight of his year is organizing and participating in his hometown’s Dexter Chalk the Block Festival.  This Saturday, while you are meandering around Dexter Daze, perhaps stopping in at the Dexter Bakery, you’ll find Chris and company colorfully chalking the alley between the Bakery and Red Brick.  The artists appreciate an audience and your kids may get inspired for the next time they get a hold of some sidewalk chalk.

Chris’ own inspiration came from a popular movie.  “I fell in love with street chalk years ago after watching the Disney movie ‘Mary Poppins’” says Chris.  “I always wanted to draw something and then dive into the world I had created before the rain washed it away.  Chalk art is also a fun way to spend time with my kids no matter how old they are.”

While he shares his art locally, Chris has a bigger picture in mind with his work.  “My goal is to continue encouraging people to be creative and expand my own portfolio by entering some of the larger national events such as the big ones in Florida and California.” 

So, just a reminder, the Dexter Chalk the Block Festival is this Saturday,  August 11, in the alley next to the Bakery and will feature nearly 20 amazing artists from around the area.

Good luck Chris!




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