Rep. Lasinski Recognizes Scio Fire Chief Ferch at State House 9/11 Ceremony

The Michigan House of Representatives held their annual Sept. 11 ceremony to commemorate those Michigan first responders lost in the line of duty during the past year, to honor those lost in the 9/11/2001 terror attacks and to recognize first responders serving in Michigan communities today.

State Rep. Donna Lasinski (D-Scio Township) hosted Carl Ferch, past Fire Chief of the Scio Township Fire Department and released the following statement:

“Today’s ceremony was a chance to thank our first responders for their selfless service. Too often, we may forget that the freedoms and opportunities available to us are in large part thanks to the sacrifices our first responders make day in and day out. I was honored to have Chief Ferch join me for this meaningful ceremony, and I look forward to doing all I can to give back to the men and women who risk so much to protect us all.”

Watch the video below (55 seconds):

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