REI Grant Provides Bicycle Stations for B2B

Additional bike pumps and repair stations are coming to the Border-to-Border Trail (B2B) thanks to a grant from REI.

Earlier this year, REI awarded the Friends of the Border to Border Trail $10,000 to support the trail effort with amenities such as bicycle pumps and repair stands stationed along the B2B.  The stations include bicycle tools, a tire pump, air gauge, and work rack for cyclists to use for basic maintenance or repair flats.

Every year, REI invests in local, regional, and national nonprofits.  Outreach teams work with local REI store managers to identify partners that are then invited to apply for grants.  Applicants are judged by their ability to successfully maintain and enhance diverse, accessible, and popular areas where REI members enjoy the outdoors.  In 2017, REI invested $8.8 million in over 1,000 outdoor places.  Since 1976, the REI Foundation has given back $87 million to organizations proven as solid stewards for the outdoors.

The first REI bike repair station has been implemented at the western end of Ann Arbor’s Argo Cascades Park.  Additional stands are planned for the DTE Trailhead (next to the B2B running northwest of Chelsea), Mill Creek Park in Dexter, the EMU Convocation Center, the south plaza of the Ypsilanti B2B bridge across the Huron River and in Ypsilanti Township’s Loonfeather Park.

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