Dexter Forum Notes: 09-15-18

From the notes of moderator Karl Fink:

Karl called the Forum to order at 8:30. Co-moderated by Ed Francis this morning.

Agro-tourism in Webster Township:

  • There is a court date expected very soon with a new judge, hoping that the township’s new zoning regulation further defining and restricting activities associated with agro-tourism in will lead to a ruling in favor of the township. The last judge ruled in favor of Nixon Farm.
  • There is at least 1 local business with a sign in window saying that you can sign the petition here. Owner is friends with the petition sponsor. Not clear what the petition is or who is sponsoring. Chris Gordon plans to find out.
  • Donna Lasinski shared that there is a bill proposed at the State legislature to expand the State definition of agro-tourism to include things like party barns.

Chela’s Opening: Owner’s son’s wedding is today. Restaurant does not appear to be opening soon, with wedding and Halloween decorations in there now.

Mast Rd Construction: Per Washtenaw County Road Commissioner, Doug Fuller, Mast Road re-opening has been delayed due to a State-wide lockout of engineers on road construction sites called by the Michigan Infrastructure & Transportation Association, which represents contracting firms that build roads, bridges, sewers and utility systems. It will remain closed until the lockout is resolved.


  • Nancy Schewe announced that the League of Women Voters will present What’s on your Ballot? 2018 Michigan Ballot Proposals – Pro and Cons. Oct 11 7pm at the Dexter Library. Open to the public.
  • Coffee and conversation at St James Church – Immigration in Michigan Sept 27 6:30-8:30pm,
  • Caryl Burke announced that the Dexter Area Historical Society and the University of Michigan will host a Public Archaeology Day at Gordon Hall Oct 20 11-2. Visitors can observe 5 active excavations being conducted by UM archaeology students on the grounds, learn about what they are doing, what they are finding, and about Gordon Hall and any artifacts that have been found.

Political Stumps: (We spent a lot of time with spelling and pronunciation today.)

  • Tom Bourque (burk) is running for Judge in District 14a, running against Cedric Simpson incumbent. Covers all of Washtenaw County except Ann Arbor and Ypsi Twp, 6 yr term. Tom lives in Pittsfield Twp.
  • Jason Maciejewski (ma-chee-es’-kee) is running for County Commissioner District 1 against Rod Anderson. Includes much of Dexter, Chelsea, and a bunch of nearby townships.
  • Donna Lasinski (pronounced like it looks) is running for her second 2-year term as State Rep for the 52nddistrict against Teri Aiuto.

The next meeting of the Dexter Forum will be on Saturday, October 6, 2018 at 8:30 AM at the Dexter Wellness Center.  Expect a lot more Stump activity as we approach election day.

The Dexter Forum is supported by the Dexter Wellness Coalition as part of the 5 Healthy Towns initiative to “help connect with others in healthy ways”.  The purpose of the Forum is to create an opportunity for interested women and men to gather to discuss important issues facing our community.  All are welcome on a drop-in basis.  The group meets on the first and third Saturdays of the month.

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