Apple Daze Brings Old-Time Fair Feel Back To Dexter This Saturday, Oct 6

Apple Daze kicks autumn into full swing in downtown Dexter this Saturday, October 6. The annual fall festival is hosted by Dexter Lion’s Club and will be centered in Monument Park from 10:00am until 5:00pm.

Local merchants and area artisans gather together to display their craft for some great browsing. For lunch you can get your food in the park or saunter over to one of the downtown restaurants. Games and activities for the kids will burn off the caramel apples and pies. Enjoy a hayride down to the historic Dexter Cider Mill for cider and donuts.

There is a veritable cornucopia of fun events scheduled including:

10:00     1st Annual Scarecrow Decorating Contest

11:00     Summer Rising Stars musical performance

12:00     Dexter Community Players perform selections from The Rocky Horror Picture Show

1:00        Singer/songwriter Ed Young performs

2:30        Pie Eating Contest

And if all this goodness isn’t enough, the Dexter Knights of Columbus are hosting their popular chicken broil this weekend as well. You can pick up your chicken dinners Sat and/or Sun from 11:30am to 6:00pm. Cost is $9 per meal.

So if you wax nostalgic for an old country fair in autumn, with the leaves changing, the mouth-watering aroma of cider and donuts wafting on the breeze, and the feel of holidays on the horizon, come on down for a spell and enjoy the tapestry of Dexter’s vibrant community life.

See you there!

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