Character Shines Through The Rain at Apple Daze 2018

It rained, it stopped, and then there was sunlight. But the sun wasn’t the only thing that broke through last Saturday at Apple Daze.

A small town festival is the perfect respite from the busy and complicated life of bustling southeast Michigan. An October afternoon, strolling among the crafts, enjoying the performances, food, and activities in the town square (or a triangle in Dexter’s case), seeing familiar faces and hearing familiar greetings as the first fallen leaves of autumn blow around our feet gives the sense of something secure in these changing, even volatile times. It is a foundation, of sorts, that steadies us in its simplicity, and we remember … life doesn’t always have to be so complicated. With fork poised, all that matters right now is this wonderful smelling slice of apple pie.

Hats off and a huge “THANK YOU!” to the always community minded Dexter Lions Club and fellow sponsors for once again hosting Apple Daze. It’s a lot of work, and the Lions Club does it year after year. One Apple Daze attendee perhaps spoke for us all when she said simply, “It’s nice they do this.”

But Apple Daze is not about apples, cider, fall, or even a daze. It’s a reason to come out and enjoy Dexter together, as a community, if even for a few moments. Apple Daze is a herald to the quality of our collective character, an illustration of our progressive vitality with a nod to the community values that have brought us here and will carry us forth. We have a fall festival in the village square … triangle … with hayrides, cider, food, crafts, and local entertainment.

By comparison to other small towns, Dexter rocks. Other locales have their one annual event, a “one-and-done” until the next year. Here in Dexter we’ve got the Memorial Day Parade, Gordon Hall Days, Summer Concert Series, Dexter Daze, Paint Dexter, Apple Daze, and a Holiday Hustle. Chime in if I’m forgetting something.

Sure, the day of Apple Daze was gray and rainy at times. The weather could have been better, but that’s not how we define success. Our fall festival was a huge success not only in spite of the meteorological conditions, but in a way precisely because of tumbling clouds and rain. Adversity makes success so much greater. Instead of throwing in the towel we used it to wipe things off and have fun anyway. The scarecrows were a hoot, the performances lively, and the food tasted even better. We carry the weather inside of us.

The sun broke through the brewing weather Saturday afternoon but there was a brighter light shining on Apple Daze, and it continues to warm us all.

Here are a few photos. I got a big kick out of the scarecrows. (Thanks Tyler Clark for helping with the photos!)

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