Rep. Donna Lasinski Statement: Gutting of One Fair Wage and MI Time to Care Laws

LANSING — Yesterday, the legislative majority passed two bills, SB 1171 and SB 1175, gutting the citizen-led ballot initiatives that were passed into law back in September. In response, state Rep. Donna Lasinski (D-Scio Township) issued the following statement

“The people of Washtenaw County sent me to Lansing to be their voice. They don’t deserve to have their voice put down with the callous use of legislative procedure. Our citizens were wrongly denied the right to vote on the minimum wage and earned paid sick leave bills by a cynical, political act of the Legislature. As a small business owner myself, I know strong wages and secure benefits are vital to keep our talent here in Michigan. Our economy depends on the success of our working families, and they should be able to depend on their elected officials to have their backs.”

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