Prop 1 Dilemmas

The passage of Proposition 1, legalizing pot use in Michigan, has left municipalities with a lot to figure out.

The Webster Township Board of Trustees sent a letter out to township residents explaining their dilemma and asking township residents for their feedback. It is a good picture of the questions officials face with the implementation of Prop 1.

“The Webster Township Board of Trustees is considering how to react to Proposal 1 which was passed not only by the State but also the citizens of Webster Township. Part of the dilemma that the BOT is facing is the fact that our voters over whelming voted for the proposal, yet most of the residents that have voiced opinions seem to not want establishments in Webster Township.

“The other concern is that the State legislature through LARA has not clearly defined the operating rules yet, just general statements. At this time, we do not know if the Legislature intends to take control away from the township as to where establishments can be located if we were to “opt in”.

“We do not know if allowing any one or all of the permitted categories will be revenue neutral or if the taxpayers of Webster Township would have to, in any way, subsidize the cost of regulating these businesses (there is a proposal in the legislature to curtail much of the revenue generating portion of ballot initiative). Below are the categories provided for on the ballot.

  1. Growers: The MRTMA defines a “grower” as a person licensed to cultivate marihuana and sell or otherwise transfer marihuana to other marihuana establishments. The MRTMA also has classes of growers classified by the number of marihuana plants permitted:
  • Class A – Up to 100 plants
  • Class B – Up to 500 plants
  • Class C – Up to 2,000 plants
  1. Processors: Defined as a person licensed to obtain marihuana from marihuana establishments; process and package marihuana; and sell or otherwise transfer marihuana to marihuana establishments.
  2. Secure Transporters: A person licensed to obtain marihuana from marihuana establishments in order to transport marihuana to marihuana establishments.
  3. Retailer: A person licensed to obtain marihuana from marihuana grower establishments and to sell or otherwise transfer marihuana to marihuana establishments and to individuals who are 21 years of age or older.
  4. Safety Compliance Establishment: A person licensed to test marihuana, including certification for potency and the presence of contaminants.
  5. Microbusiness: A person licensed to cultivate not more than 150 marihuana plants; process and package marihuana; and sell or otherwise transfer marihuana to individuals who are 21 years of age or older or to a marihuana safety compliance facility, but not to other marihuana establishments. This type of establishment has no equivalent under the MMFLA; it is an entirely new type of license. These microbusinesses will function similarly to a micro-brewery, where the product is grown, processed and sold on-site.

“What the BOT needs from you is your input on what direction you wish the Township to take on whether to allow any or all categories. For example, do you wish to see “Processors” only in industrial zoned areas and “retailers” in commercial zoning? Do you wish to see “growers” in industrial zoning or Ag zoning (keep in mind 98% of the Township is Ag zoned)? What about a “microbusiness” in your neighbor’s garage? Do you wish to see none?

“Please send your comments to:”

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