Rep. Lasinski Slams Lansing Republican’s Lame-Duck-a-Palooza

Outgoing Republicans in Lansing have been busy finagling with what Michigan voters approved this past November.

From the office of State Representative Donna Lasinski:

Rep. Lasinski responds to Republican attempts to undermine the will of Michigan voters:

LANSING — Last month, voters approved Proposal 3 to eliminate barriers to fair and accessible elections. Despite the proposal passing with over 60 percent support and in 80 of Michigan’s 83 counties, House Republicans rushed through a plan yesterday weakening key elements of the initiative. In response, state Rep. Donna Lasinski (D-Scio Township) issued the following statement:

When Michigan voters went to the polls last month, they expected to have their voices respected. They sent the message loud and clear that they want as many citizens as possible to have the ability to exercise their constitutional right and vote. In undoing the progress they voted for, this legislation directly subverts the will of the people and sends a clear message that Michigan voices do not matter.

Lasinski responds to gutting of public school funding:

LANSING – Last night, the Michigan House rushed through legislation that will divert more than $140 million dollars away from the school aid fund in the first year. The move comes in the wake of numerous non-partisan reports that found that Michigan schools are underfunded by nearly $2,000 per pupil. The bill, HB 4991, passed without any Democrat support. In response to its passage, state Rep. Donna Lasinski(D-Scio Township) issued the following statement:

Great schools are the backbone of strong communities, so it is shameful that the majority party in Lansing would undercut the students of Washtenaw County by taking away the funding and resources they need to succeed. I am disappointed in this last-minute effort and we must do better for our children and our communities in the next legislative session.



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