Dexter Creating Student Positions for City Committees

The City of Dexter is offering selected students hands-on experience working in local government. Several of the City’s committees have created student positions for the purpose of creating mutually beneficial two-way engagement. Students have the chance to get an insider’s view of City government. The City of Dexter benefits from the next generation’s perspective and input.

The City is now accepting applications to fill these positions. Interested students should read through the program description below and submit an application. The link to the application can be found at the end of the article.

City of Dexter Commission/Committee Student Representatives Program Description


The City of Dexter shall provide for up to two student representatives on the following Committees and Commissions: City Council, Parks and Recreation Commission, Planning Commission, and the Arts, Culture, and Heritage Committee. These positions are designed to be mutually beneficial to both the students and the Committees or Commissions on which they serve. The students shall gain a tremendous learning experience about the workings of local government and the policymaking process, while the Committees and Commissions benefit by having the perspectives of younger members of the community. Student representatives shall not have voting privileges, but may participate in all discussions. Further details about the positions are specified below:

City Council meetings are held at 7:00pm on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month; Parks and Recreation Commission is held at 7:00pm on the 3rd Tuesday of each month; Planning Commission is held at 7:00pm on the 1st Monday of each month; and the Arts, Culture, and Heritage Committee is held at 6:30pm on the 1st Tuesday of each month.


Eligible applicants must live in the Dexter School District (preference will be given to City residents), and be in grades 9 – 12 (preference will be given to students in grades 11 – 12). Students who attend private school, public school, or home school are welcome to apply. Applicants should demonstrate an interest in local government, a willingness to learn about complex issues, confidence in sharing their opinion and speaking in front of a large group, and a commitment to the Dexter community. Applicants should also desire to serve as a liaison between the City of Dexter and high school population.

How to Apply

Interested students should complete a Board/Committee Application Form, available on the City’s website, and submit it to the City of Dexter, 8123 Main St., 2nd Floor, Dexter, MI 48130 or via e-mail to

Selection Process

The student representative positions shall be advertised as they become available on the City’s website, e-mail update, and social media accounts. Upon submission of an application form, interested candidates shall be interviewed by the Mayor. Appointments will be made by the Mayor with advice and consent of City Council.

Student representatives shall serve from the time of their selection through June of the following year. At the conclusion of their term of service, student representatives interested in continuing in their role may choose to reapply for the position. In the event that a vacancy opens prior to a term expiration in June, the Mayor shall select a new candidate and make a recommendation to City Council for approval.


The student representatives shall:

  • attend each regular monthly meeting of their respective Committee or Commission, as well as any additional work session held by the Committee or Commission;
  • come to each meeting prepared, including having read all packet materials and being ready to participate in discussion of topics on the agenda;
  • assist in planning and managing public events hosted by their Commission or Committee;
  • assist in planning ways to involve the student population in the community;
  • report to their Committee/Commission on high school news and events;
  • report back to peers on meetings and share feedback from the student body.

The City shall:

  • provide a seat at the table alongside Commissioners or Committee Members;
  • provide the students an electronic copy of all agenda packet materials;
  • ensure that students are made aware of the date, time, and location of meetings;
  • provide a City-representative to serve as a mentor for each student.


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