DCO’s Lively “Brass & Brews” at Jolly Pumpkin This Friday, Jan. 25

Join the Dexter Brass Quartet for a fun-filled musical evening at their “Brass & Brews” event Friday, January 25 between 5 and 8 p.m. at the Jolly Pumpkin Artisan Ale and Kitchen , 2319 Bishop Circle, Dexter.

DCO is collaborating once again with Jolly Pumpkin Artesan Ales for their annual fundraiser featuring members of the orchestra’s brass section and Jolly Pumpkin’s award winning libations. This year’s event is made even better with Jolly Pumpkin’s addition of a kitchen and now serves some really great food.

The Dexter Community Orchestra was conceived in the summer of 2005 due to the creative genius of the founding conductor, the late Don Parrish.

In the summer of 2004, Don applied for a conducting position with a local orchestra but was never contacted. So Don, never one to give up on his dreams, began planning for a community orchestra in Dexter along with a few other believers. He put an ad in the local newspaper to welcome all musicians to come to the first rehearsal of the Dexter Community Orchestra in September, 2005. He was quite surprised when over 50 people showed up, with many of them accomplished band and orchestra players.

After the rehearsal, one person commented that “this is wonderful to be playing orchestral music.” Subsequently, the DCO was officially chartered as a musical group dedicated to cultural enrichment through symphonic music.

Here your chance to enjoy great music, great food, and support a great cause while enjoying sliders and a glass of your favorite beverage. Jolly Pumpkin’s food is farm to table. DCO’s selections are the masters ranging from classical to jazz to contemporary pop. Admission is $10 per person, with all proceeds benefiting the Dexter Community Orchestra.

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