Out of Personal Loss Amy Smith Advocates for Safer Crossings

Pedestrian crossings have been a rising concern for many Dexter residents and nobody feels that pain more than Amy (Ridenour) Smith whose brother Robbie was struck and killed while crossing Ann Arbor St. near Kensington coming home from Wylie after school.

Although Robbie’s tragic death occurred in the mid 90s, those of us who were here remember it like it was yesterday. Amy Smith is using her family’s personal tragedy as a way to advocate for safer crossings for kids go to and from school.

Pedestrian crossings fall under the jurisdiction of the City of Dexter and Amy is encouraging concerned citizens to join her in attending the Monday, Feb. 11, City Council meeting to make their opinions a matter of public record by speaking out during public participation.

In a message to We Love Dexter, Amy said,

“My name is Amy Smith and I am sister to Robert Ridenour, who was struck and killed by a car walking home from school on the corner of Dexter-Ann Arbor and Kensington. I’d like to inform you that there will be a large group of Dexter citizens supporting the DCS traffic report, in hopes that 4 new RRFBs will be installed to keep students safe walking to and from school. I’d love your support, of any kind, in this matter. Thank you!”

She then extends this invitation to all,

“On Monday evening, at 7PM at the Dexter Senior Center, please join us as we rally behind our Dexter Schools to support their Traffic Report for 4 RRFBs (Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons) to be installed in crosswalks of our city so students and pedestrians can cross streets safely to and from school and community events. This is approved by MDOT, federal regulations, and completely within our City Council’s legal authority to install!!

“This NEEDS to happen. And NOW is the time. Show our City Council that you support this measure. Please join us. I will be speaking, on behalf of my family, in hopes that NO OTHER family will lose a precious loved one walking to or from school in our City of Dexter!!

“Would you please join us? Would you please consider sharing your experiences of unsafe crossing and supporting this Executive Summary?

“I hope to see you all there. Thank you.

“Please join our Facebook event here for a reminder: https://www.facebook.com/events/1207147656111147/

“If you have witnessed unsafe crossing / accidents / near misses, please submit your story here: https://goo.gl/forms/UD35PpBVDC0aIkpp1

“If you’d like to be included in my emails for Concerned Dexter Citizens, please sign up here: https://goo.gl/forms/hAxGkmMi2jz1pHcm2

“See the entire DCS Dexter Crosswalk Assessment Report by Midwestern Consulting here: https://www.dexterschools.org/uploaded/board_of_education/meeting_packets/Jan-Feb-Mar_2019/12-17-2018_Crosswalk_Report.pdf”

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