The Educational Foundation of Dexter Announces Fall Grants

February 11, 2019 —The Educational Foundation of Dexter (Ed Foundation) reported the results of their Fall 2018 Grant Cycle to the Dexter Board of Education at tonight’s meeting.  Organized in 1984, the Ed Foundation supports quality education enhancements for students enrolled in the Dexter Community School District through teacher-authored grants.

“I am thrilled to report that we have had another successful grant cycle,” said Ed Foundation President Lori Moss.  “For our Fall Grant Cycle, we funded sixteen teacher-authored grants, in partial or in full, for a total of $23,013.21.”

Of the sixteen grants, several are grants which the Ed Foundation funds on an annual basis including the Creekside Detroit Institute of Art and the Charles H. Wright Museum field trips as well as the Adapted Music for Students with Special Needs. New this year were two grants related to the pressing issue of student mental health in our district: one was partial funding for Mental Health Matters at Mill Creek which took place last week and the other is for full funding for two viewings of the documentary film, ANGST: Raising Awareness Around Anxiety Within Our Students.

“The Ed Foundation continues to do this good work through the generous support of our individual and corporate donors as well as through our charitable events like our upcoming Spring Zing at Zingerman’s Greyline on Friday, April 12th,” continued Moss.

Moss closed her presentation by thanking the fifteen Trustees who serve as the Board for the Ed Foundation.  The Board is busy planning the Spring Zing as well as preparing for the Spring Grant Cycle and senior scholarship awards.

The Ed Foundation is a non-profit, volunteer organization whose board members include parents, community members, business owners, and educators.  Through their Spring and Fall Grant cycles, the Ed Foundation provides an opportunity to directly impact the education of Dexter students by funding creative and innovative programs and initiatives which cannot otherwise be funded by the district.

The Ed Foundation has awarded over $850,000 since 1985. Teacher-authored grants funded by the Ed Foundation have benefited every building in the district. To learn about the Fall 2018 grants awarded, please visit

Visit to learn more about how the Ed Foundation supports our schools through the generosity of our community members and local businesses.  Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @EdFDexter.  Check out our new Instagram page, educationalfoundationdexter.


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