DCO to Perform “Blue Cathedral” Wednesday, March 6

Looking for an escape from the drab Michigan winter? Join the Dexter Community Orchestra for its winter concert Wednesday, March 6 at 7:30 p.m. in the Dexter High School Center for the Performing Arts. Dexter resident David Schultz will guest conduct the orchestra, with piano soloist John Boonenberg.

Mr. Boomenberg will perform Dimitri Shostakovich’s Piano Concerto No. 2, an uncharacteristically light-hearted piece by this great Russian composer best known for his brooding symphonies and quartets. Written in 1957 for his son Maxim Shostakovich, the concerto has become an audience favorite around the world.

The concert will also include “Blue Cathedral” by contemporary American composer Jennifer Higdon. Listeners who may be put off by modern music will be pleasantly surprised by this evocative, highly melodic piece which depicts the composer’s vision of a beautiful glass cathedral in the sky. The concert will conclude with Anton Dvorak’s Symphony No. 6, a sunny, good-humored piece that overflows with folk-based melodies from the composer’s native Bohemia.

As always, DCO concerts are free to the public. Donations in support of the orchestra are gratefully accepted.

Here the poster. Disregard the time. The correct time is Wednesday, March 6 at 7:30 p.m.

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