B2B Trail Construction Updates From Huron-Waterloo Pathways Initiative

Planning and construction on the B2B continue despite the snow and cold! The latest updates on the B2B are listed below by segment.

* Dexter-Chelsea Trail, Freer to Lima Center – The contractor has started digging out bridge abutments. Work on the abutments and path grading will continue later in March and April.

* Huron River Drive Trail, Dexter-Huron Metropark to Zeeb Road – The contractor has completed the majority of tree work and is continuing with temporary and permanent construction activities for Bridge #1.

* Bandemer Park Tunnel Study and Barton Nature Area Trail – A public meeting was held on February 26th at Forsythe Middle School, which was well attended and the project was supported by the citizens in attendance. A presentation was given to the City of Ann Arbor Parks Advisory Commission on March 19th to gather input and provide a project update. The Commission appeared to be generally in favor of the project and is awaiting the results of the feasibility study.

* Lyndon Township Trailhead – Design work is being finalized on the trailhead and the required construction permits have been secured. The project will be sent out to secure bids later this spring.

* Van Buren Township Trail Alignment Study – Our consultant, PEA, held a stakeholder meeting on February 20 and has scheduled numerous public information meetings for March and April to gather input on the various proposed trail alignments.

Who Let the Dogs Out?!

Your dog could be featured on our new social media series, “Dogs of the B2B Trail!” This series will highlight our furry friends and their love for exploring the B2B. People with dogs are 40% more likely to take walks than those without.

Click here if you would like to submit your pet as one of the “Dogs of the B2B trail”: http://tinyurl.com/DogsoftheB2B


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