Around Town: News, Notes & Upcoming events in Dexter

Farmer’s Market update
The Dexter Farmers Market still has spaces left for vendors (SEE GRAPHIC BELOW)! Daily spaces are available and all-season spaces are filling up quickly. Market hours and booth rates: Saturdays 8-1 ($10), Tuesdays 2-6 ($5), May – October. Please complete an application. Contact the Market Manager, Dana Queen at

City offices are closed today, Friday, April 19.

Water tower update
The work on the water tower that started April 1 is progressing well and is still on schedule to be completed within the original six week time estimate. This would put the tower back in service in mid-May. We appreciate everyone’s patience with the outdoor watering ban as this vital preventative maintenance work is completed.

Arbor Day
An Arbor Day Celebration will be held on April 26, 2019 to celebrate the benefits of trees, including how trees can reduce erosion of topsoil by wind and water, moderate the temperature, clean the air, produce life-giving oxygen, provide habitat for wildlife, and cut heating and cooling costs. Trees are also beneficial because they are a renewable resource giving us paper, wood for our homes, fuel for our fires, and help beautify and give our community character.

Volunteers will be distributing free seedlings at the following times and locations:
10:00 am – noon – Dexter District Library (3255 Alpine Street)
1:00 – 3:00 pm – Dexter Mill (3515 Central St)
11:00 am – noon – Clock Plaza (corner of Broad & Main Streets; weather permitting)

The City of Dexter is one of 111 Michigan communities recognized by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and the Arbor Day Foundation for its community forestry efforts. The City of Dexter has been a proud Tree City USA member since 2008. Tree City USA is a nationwide Arbor Day Foundation program that promotes proper tree care and management in urban areas and calls attention to the economic, health and aesthetic benefits that trees offer.

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