High School Baseball: Recap of last week’s games; this week’s schedule

SEC unofficial Standings – as of Thursday morning

SEC White
 – School – SEC W-L / all W-L –

Chelsea – 5-1 / 8-2

Tecumseh – 5-1 / 9-1

Pinckney – 4-2 / 6-4

Dexter – 3-3 / 6-3

Jackson – 3-3 / 3-3

Lincoln – 3-3 / 7-3

Adrian – 1-5 / 3-6

Ypsilanti – 0-6 / 0-6

 – School – SEC W-L / all W-L –

Saline – 3-0 / 8-3

Bedford – 3-0 / 3-3

AA Huron – 2-1 / 2-7

Skyline – 1-2 / 3-7

Monroe – 0-3 / 2-7

Pioneer – 0-3 / 1-7


Recent notes

#Thomas Miller (Saline HS/MI – Adrian College) was named MIAA Player of the Week (04/8-14) –https://www.miaa.org/potw/2018-19/POTW_190415

We Love Ann Arbor – local (Ann Arbor / Dexter) college player notes –https://weloveannarbor.com/2019/04/19/baseball-catching-up-with-local-college-players-and-how-theyre-doing-at-the-next-level/

#Jim’s unofficial list (as of 04/19) of former SEC players in college –http://baseballlmw.blogspot.com/2019/04/0419-some-seclmw-area-college-baseball.html


Previous results –

Monday 04/15 –

Monday’s SEC extra credit –

*Lance Blaszak (Saline) – 7in/cg, no hit shutout 4-0 win over Pioneer;

*William Downer (AA Huron) – 1R/HR in 10-9 win over Skyline;

*Ryan Hammer (Bedford) – 1R/HR in 14-3 win over Monroe;

*Cullen Hurley (Jackson) – ?R/HR in 9-4 win over Pinckney;

*Hunter Lay (Chelsea) – 1R/HR in 8-1 win over Dexter;

*Ty Rhodes (Tecumseh) – 3R/HR in 10-0 win over Adrian;

*Al Thorington (Pinckney) – 7in/cg in 5-4 win over Jackson;


+1-Saline-4 (SEC/Red; 1-0/6-2), Pioneer-0 (SEC/Red; 0-1/1-4) – Saline / Pioneer

*Saline (4-9-0 / 4-7-0); SP/WP-Lance Blaszak (7ip/cg, 0R, 0H, 1BB, 4K); 2H (Aiden Corrigan; Brad Baldus); 2B (Corrigan; Noah Nelson);

*Pioneer (0-0-2 / 0-0-4); SP/LP-Wyatt Raymond (5.1ip, 3R/0er, 6H, 1BB, 2K); 2P-Sean Knorr (1.2ip, 1R/1er, 1H, 1BB, 2K);

+2- Saline-5 (SEC/Red; 2-0/7-2), Pioneer-2 (SEC/Red; 0-2/1-5) – Saline / Pioneer

*Saline (5-13-1 / 5-11-1); SP/WP-Jacob Whitley (4.2ip, 1R/1er, 7H, 1BB, 5K); 2P/Save-Nate Watson (2.1ip, 1R/1er, 1H, 2BB); 2H (Alex Morrison; Cam Daniels; Brad Baldus-3; Luke Rykard-3); 2RBI (Bobby Butler); 2B (Daniels);

*Pioneer (2-8-2 / 2-8-4); SP/LP-Sam Ciesielski (3ip, 4R/4er, 10H, 0BB, 2K); 2P-Daniel Olson (4ip, 1R/0er, 1H, 4BB); 2H (Noah Kotre; Wyatt Raymond); 2RBI (Raymond); 2B (Kotre; Hazen Westover; Raymond);


+1-AA Huron-9 (SEC/Red; 1-0/3-6), Skyline-8 (SEC/Red; 0-1/3-6) – Skyline / AA Huron

*AA Huron (10-8-2 / 10-14-2); SP/WP?-Kade Cupp (5.1ip, 5R/5er, 6H, 1BB, 9K); 2P-Richard Hurley (1/3ip, 2R/2er, 2H, 1BB); 3P-Alex Cole (1.1ip, 2R/2er, 2H, 3BB, 1K); 2H (Richard Hurley-3; Taha Ebrahim-3; Hayden Glover; Kade Cupp-3); 2RBI (Ebrahim; Glover); HR (William Downer/1R); 2B (Cupp);

*Skyline (9-10-7 / 9-10-4); SP/LP?-Jack Yeung (4ip, 7R/2er, 6H, 3BB, 3K); 2P-Andrew Bugajski (2ip, 3R/0er, 2H, 3BB, 1K); 3P-Alex Gerdenich (1ip, 0R, 0H, 1K); 2H (Shea O’Brien; Dayton Stamper; Aaron Goldsmith); 2RBI (Drew Doheny; O’Brien; Andrew Bugajski-4); 2B (Stamper);

x2-AA Huron / Skyline – incomplete – 2nd inning?


+1-Chelsea-8 (SEC/White; 4-0/6-2), Dexter-1 (SEC/White; 2-2/5-2) – Dexter

*Dexter (1-4-2); SP/LP-Jacoby Haley (4ip, 5R/2er, 3H, 2BB, 1K); 2P-Reed Ladd (2ip, 3R/3er, 3H, 2BB, 1K);

*Chelsea (8-6-2); SP/WP-Robinson (6ip, 1R/0er, 4H, 2BB, 7K); 2P-3/no name (1ip, 0R, 0H, 1K); 2H (Hunter Lay-3); 2RBI (Lay-4); HR (Hunter Lay/1R);

+2-Dexter-11 (SEC/White; 3-2/6-2), Chelsea-5 (SEC/White; 4-1/7-2) – 6in – Dexter

*Dexter (11-9-2); SP/WP-Ben Cabana (6ip, 5R/4er, 7H, 3K); 2H (Alex Mills; Andy Durand-4); 2RBI (Mills; Durand); 2B (Durand; Mills);

*Chelsea (5-7-3); SP/LP-Neff (3.1ip. 6R/4er, 5H, 5BB, 1K); 2P-3/no name (1.1ip, 4R/4er, 3H, 1BB, 1K); 3P-Schritchfield (1.1ip, 1R/0er, 1H, 1BB); 2H (Hunter Neff; Garrett Bell; Quinn Starkey); 3B (Neff);


+1-Lincoln-23 (SEC/White; 1-3/5-3), Ypsilanti-0 (SEC/White; 0-4/0-4?) – Lincoln

*Ypsilanti (0-0-x); not listed;

*Lincoln (23-16-x); SP/WP-Nick Morgan (3ip, 0R, 0H, 0BB, 7K); 2H (Kyjuan Rice; Nick Morgan; Nathan Hoffman; Ethan Rose); 2RBI (Jaylen Bullack; Nick Morgan; Javian Dvis); 3B (Dvis); 2B (Rice; Bullock; Rose);C. Montgomery);

+2-Lincoln-19 (SEC/White; 2-3/6-3), Ypsilanti-4 (SEC/White; 0-5/0-5?) – Lincoln

*Ypsilanti (4-1-x); not listed;

*Lincoln (19-18-x); SP/nd-Nick Morgan (1ip, 0R, 0H, 2K); 2P/WP-Thomas Cornette (3ip, 4R/3er, 1H, 1BB, 7K); 2H (Jion Thomas; Jackson Meyer; Cade Rickman-3; Miles Carter; Wesley Henson; Trevor Jones; Andrew Sweet-3); 2RBI (Meyer-3; Rickman; Henson-4; Jones; Sweet); 2B (Sweet);

* Media –

*We Love Dexter (Chelsea / Dexter games 04/15) – https://welovedexter.com/2019/04/16/baseball-dexter-scores-11-runs-in-nightcap-to-earn-split-with-chelsea/

*We Love Ann Arbor (AA Huron / Skyline games 04/15) – https://weloveannarbor.com/2019/04/16/baseball-skylines-rally-from-10-runs-down-comes-up-just-short-against-huron/


Wednesday 04/17 –

+Saline-6 (SEC/Red; 3-0/8-3), Pioneer-1 (SEC/Red; 0-3/1-7) – Jim’s unofficial stats

*Pioneer (1-6-1); SP/LP-Ben Stidham (LHP-1B/19; 4+ip, 3R/2er?, 4H, 4BB, 2K, 1-HBP); 2P-Parker Gibb (OF-RHP/20; 2ip, 3R/3er, 3H, 1BB, 1K, 1-HBP); 2H (Brendan Karsch/20); 2B (Noah Kotre/19);

*Saline (6-7-4); SP/WP-Ryan Steinhauer (LHP/19; 5+ip, 1R/1er, 2H, 3BB, 3K); 2P-Jackson O’Keefe (1B-RHP/19; 2ip, 0R, 4H, 2K); 2H (Noah Nelson/20-3); 2RBI (Alex Morrison/20); Luke Rykard/21); 2B (Nelson-2; Rykard);

*Jim’s unofficial notes – Saline broke open a 2-1 game with four runs in the 5th with a leadoff double from Noah Nelson, singles by Alex Morrison (1RBI) and Aidan Arbaugh and a 2-out / 2RBI pinch-hit double by Luke Rykard. Pioneer got two hits from Brendan Karsch and a double by Noah Kotre that set up Pioneer’s run (a sac fly by Wyatt Raymond). Pioneer got 13 men to first (6 hits, 3 walks, 4 Saline errors) but left 11 (1 scored, 1 was picked off); while Saline got 15 to first and left 6 (6 scored, 3 Pioneer double-plays). Ben Stidham started and got the loss for Pioneer (4+ innings, 3 runs/2 earned?, 4 hits, 4 BB, 2K) while Ryan Steinhauer started and got the win for Saline (5+ innings, 1 run / 1 earned, 2 hits, 3 walks, 3 strikeouts). As always my stats are unofficial and may be influenced by foreign powers.

+1-AA Huron-15 (SEC/Red; 2-0/), Skyine-2 (SEC/Red; 0-2/3-7) – 5in (completion of 04/15 game 2) – Skyline / AA Huron

*AA Huron (15-10-02 / 15-14-2); SP/WP-Hayden Glover (19; 4-2ip?, 2R/2er, 7H, 2BB, 5K); 2H (Richard Hurley/19; Kade Cupp/20-3; Davis Malmer/20); 2RBI (Alex Cole/20; Malmer-3); 3B (Cupp); 2B (Cole);

*Skyline (2-6-6 / 2-7-3); SP/LP?-Karl Gawlas (1ip, 7R/5er, 3H, 1BB); 2P-Shogo Ito (4R/0er, 0H, 1BB); 3P-Shea O’Brien (1ip, 0R, 0H, 2BB); 4P-Drew Doheny (3ip, 4R/2er, 7H, 2K); 2H (Andrew Bugajski; Alex Gerdenich); 3B (Ian Unsworth);

+2-Skyline-6 (SEC/Red; 1-2/4-7), AA Huron-4 (SEC/Red; 2-1) – 6in – AA Huron (Skyline incomplete)

*Skyline (6-8-2); SP/WP-Dayton Stampler (5.1ip, 4R/4er, 3H, 5BB, 5K); 2P/Save?-Sam Winger (2/3ip, 0R, 0H); 2H (Shea O’Brien; Andrew Bugowski); 2RBI (Sam Winger-3); 3B (Winger); 2B (O’Brien);

*AA Huron (4-3-1); SP/LP-Joe Wade (20; 5/2ip, 6R/6er, 7H, 6BB, 3K); 2P-Davis Malmer (20; 1/3ip, 0R, 1H, 2BB); 2B (Jake Bernstein/??; Kade Cupp/20);

+Chelsea-8 (SEC/White; 5-1/8-2), Dexter-6 (SEC/White; 3-3/6-3)
 – Chelsea (Dexter stats incomplete)

*Chelsea (8-3-4); SP/nd-Gavin Bell (4ip, 6R/0er, 4H, 1BB, 3K); 2P/WP-Hunter Lay (3ip, 0R, 0H, 1BB, 2K); 2RBI (Gavin Bell);

*Dexter (6-4-8); SP/nd-David Kreske (19; 3.1ip, 5R/1er, 1H, 4BB, 5K); 2P-Reed Ladd (19; 1.2ip, 0R, 0H, 1BB); 3P/LP-Nathaniel Fiegel (19; 2ip, 3R/0er, 2H, 2K); 2H (Alex Mills/20);

+Lincoln-24 (SEC/White; 3-3/7-3), Ypsilanti-1 (SEC/White; 0-6) – 4in – SplitterNation

*Ypsilanti (1-4-x);

*Lincoln (24-20-x); SP?-Carter Adkins (20; 1ip, 1R/1er, 2H); 2P?-Miles Carter (19; 3ip, 0R, 2H, 1BB, 2K); 2H (Kyjuan Rice/20; Carson Kern/19; Jaylen Bullock/19-3; Javian Davis/21; Cortland Montgomery/19; Dylan Thompson/19); 2RBI (Jackson Meyer/21; Kern; Bullock-3; Keegan Wilkerson/19; Trevor Jones/21); 3B (Thompson; Trevor Jones); 2B (Davis);

Media –

*We Love Ann Arbor recap of AA Huron / Skyline series –https://weloveannarbor.com/2019/04/18/baseball-skyline-bounces-back-from-sweep-to-top-huron-6-4-plus-photogallery/

*We Love Dexter recap of Chelsea / Dexter series – https://welovedexter.com/2019/04/18/baseball-dexter-knocks-off-chelsea-6-5-to-take-three-game-series/


This week’s tentative schedule (games subject to weather and field conditions)

Monday 04/22 – unofficial and subject to change!

+Ypsilanti (SEC/White) at Adrian (SEC/White) – 4pm DH at Cliff Nelson Field

+Chelsea (SEC/White) at Jackson (SEC/White) – 4pm DH at Louis Glick Field

+Dexter (SEC/White) at Tecumseh (SEC/White) – 4pm DH at Indians’ Baseball Stadium

+Pinckney (SEC/White) at Lincoln (SEC/White) – 4pm DH at Lincoln’s Field of Pride

+Pioneer (SEC/Red) at AA Huron (SEC/Red) – 4pm DH at River Rat Field

+Bedford (SEC/Red) at Skyline (SEC/Red) – 4om DH at Skyline Eyrie

+Monroe (SEC/Red) at Saline (SEC/Red) – 4pm DH at Hornet Baseball Stadium


Wednesday 04/24 – unofficial and subject to change!

+Skyline (SEC/Red) at Bedford (SEC/Red) – 4:30 at Kickin’ Mules Field

+Saline (SEC/Red) at Monroe (SEC/Red) – 4:30 at Red Davis Field

+Pioneer (SEC/Red) at AA Huron (SEC/Red) – 4:30 at River Rat Field

+Lincoln (SEC/White) at Pinckney (SEC/White) – 4:30 at Pirates Field

+Jackson (SEC/White) at Chelsea (SEC/White) – 4:30 at Wayne Welton Stadium

+Tecumseh (SEC/White) at Dexter (SEC/White) – 4:30 at Dreadnaught Field

+Adrian (SEC/White) ay Ypsilanti (SEC/White) – 4:30 at Moffett Field


Saturday 04/27 – unofficial and subject to change! – SEC Crossovers!

+Pinckney White) – 10am / Dexter (White) – noon at Monroe (Red) – Red Davis Field

+Dexter (White) – 10am / Pinckney (White) – noon at Bedford (Red) – Kickin’ Mules Field

+Ypsilanti (White) – 10am / Lincoln (White) – 12:30 at Skyline (Red) – Skyline Aerie

+Lincoln (White) – 10am / Ypsilanti (White) – 12:30 at Saline (Red) – Hornets Stadium

+Adrian (White) – 10am / Tecumseh (White) – 12:30 at Pioneer (Red) at Mortenson Field

+Tecumseh (White) – 10am / Adrian (White) – 12:30 at AA Huron (Red) at River Rat Field

+Trenton (Downriver) at Chelsea (SEC/White) – 10am DH at Wayne Melton Field

+Marshall (I-8) at Jackson (SEC/White) – 10am DH at Louis Glick Field


Monday 04/29 – unofficial and subject to change!

+Monroe (SEC/Red) at Pioneer (SEC/Red) – 4pm DH at Mortenson Field

+Saline (SEC/Red) at Skyline (SEC/Red) – 4pm DH at Skyline Aerie

+Bedford (SEC/Red) at AA Huron (SEC/Red) – 4pm DH at River Rat Field

+Pinckney (SEC/White) at Chelsea (SEC/White) – 4pm DH at Wayne Welton Stadium

+Lincoln (SEC/White) at Dexter (SEC/White) – 4pm DH at Dreadnaught Field

+Adrian (SEC/White) at Jackson (SEC/White) – 4pm DH at Louis Glick Field

+Tecumseh (SEC/White) at Ypsilanti (SEC/White) – 4pm DH at Moffett Field




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