WLD Q&A: Mill Creek students talk about their involvement with SRSLY

Sydney Tchoryk and Onnika Trimmer recently participated in a WeLoveDexter Q&A with regards to their involvement in SRSLY. A community coalition established to prevent destructive behavior in Dexter youth, SRSLY receives support from the Dexter Wellness Coalition, the Drug Free Communities Support Program, St. Joseph Mercy Chelsea, and the Coghlan Family Foundation. For more information on SRSLY

Sydney and Onnika are both seventh graders at Mill Creek.

Sydney Tchoryk

Age: 13
Parents: Sarah Tchoryk and Peter Tchoryk Jr.
Clubs/groups at Mill Creek: Competitive cheer team.
Your role with SRSLY: Member

What first got you interested in SRSLY?
“I wanted to be part of a community that helps plan drug and alcohol free activities. I wanted to help organize these types of events. Some past roles I’ve held included being a guide in an escape room at a school dance, helping plan other drug and alcohol free activities, and recently spreading awareness of opioid abuse for a school project with the help of SRSLY.”

What does being part of SRSLY mean to you?
“SRSLY offers a safe place for me to learn how I can help improve my community. Through this program I can encourage smart choices among my peers and discourage their use of drugs or alcohol.”

Why is SRSLY important?
“SRSLY is important because it promotes healthy choices, but making it fun too.”

What are you most proud of as a member of SRSLY?
“I’m really proud of fun events we’ve planned and being able to say ‘I was a part of that.’ For example, students at my school were talking about how cool the escape room was at a dance marathon that SRSLY had planned.”

What do you tell other students about SRSLY to get them to consider joining?
“What I tell new members is that it is a super fun way to give back to others.”

What future events are coming off?
One event we have coming up is a duct-tape extravaganza, where contestants who enter can make anything, but it has to be with duct tape.”

Onnika Trimmer

Age: 12
Parents: Aaron Bischoff and Melissa Trimmer
Your role with SRSLY: Member

What first got you interested in SRSLY?
“I recently moved here and immediately became involved with SRSLY.”

What does being part of SRSLY mean to you?
“It means that I am doing something to help prevent substance abuse.”

Why is SRSLY important?
“SRSLY can help inform kids about the consequences of substance abuse.”

What are you most proud of as a member of SRSLY?
“I am doing something to help my community.”

What future events are coming off?
“We are organizing a duct tape fashion show for the kids at Mill Creek!”






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