Warning shot? Dexter Pharmacy sent out letter regarding “our patient’s demeanor” in May

Dexter Pharmacy ownership posted this on its web site on May 24, 2019:

This post is a struggle for us and will be fairly long so we apologize in advance and thank you for taking the time to read it.

We try really hard to provide a good experience for teenagers to have a first-time job. Some of us that work here, started as teenagers.

With that being said, we have noticed a trend in our patient’s demeanor. Increasingly, we are yelled at, sworn at, and hands slammed at us. Most times, it is for something that is not in our control. We get that healthcare is frustrating. We promise that we are on your side. We want to provide you with good care, however, laws, technology, insurance companies, and other outstanding factors prevent us from being able to do what you are expecting sometimes.

We have teens who we allow to operate the register at the front of the store and in the pharmacy. When you are yelling at them, please keep in mind that this is someone’s child. It is our assumption that you wouldn’t want someone to talk to you or your children that way. These people are your neighbors, be considerate of them.

We have staff members who are afraid to work in the pharmacy because we see this behavior a lot.

We expect our children to conduct themselves in a certain way and we would never tolerate our children treating people like this. Please be a good role model for our staff in how they should treat others.

If you have an issue that you need a resolution to, please ask for a manager. We are here to help and if you really need to yell at someone, we can take it. We promise we will try to find a solution to what you are upset about.

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