Ann Arbor SPARK Helps Secure $170,000 in Site Readiness Grants for Washtenaw and Livingston counties

As announced by the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC), both Washtenaw and Livingston counties will receive grants through the new competitive Michigan Build Ready Sites program. The targeted grant program aims to boost Michigan’s inventory of available properties ready to compete for business attraction projects. Both grants were shepherded by Ann Arbor SPARK.

“These awards bring critical funding to Washtenaw and Livingston counties to maximize the potential for key building sites that, once developed, will attract investment to the region,” said Paul Krutko, president and CEO of Ann Arbor SPARK. “The proposed tech park along the south State Street corridor fills a significant need and will help realize the long unmet potential of this area in the City of Ann Arbor: Companies that want to expand currently struggle to find space in our extremely tight market for office space. Located in the growing Fowlerville market, the Handy Township site extends to cover nearly 190 acres of undeveloped land. Securing a developer tor the site would help the Township recover from its investment while creating new jobs and economic opportunities for local residents and workers.”


In Washtenaw County, a $100,000 grant was awarded for site engineering and the demolition of two buildings in Pittsfield Township’s Ann Arbor Research Park. The state recently designated the site as a Federal Opportunity Zone and redevelopment concepts of the 20-acre site project include the creation of multiple buildings ranging 100,000 – 383,000 square feet of research and development and high-tech office space.


Handy Township received a $70,200 grant to complete a site evaluation of the former Mitch Harris site to determine the site’s ability to accommodate an industrial project. Ann Arbor SPARK, in partnership with the Economic Development Council of Livingston County, helped with the application process on behalf of Handy Township.

The Michigan Build Ready Sites program was announced in April and local and regional economic development or community partners had until June 1 to submit applications that demonstrated a plan and pathway to a vetted site.

View a full list of grant recipients and descriptions of the projects.

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