Support the fight against Alzheimer’s: Group of veterans marching from Adrian to Ann Arbor – military style

Tim Welbaum, a local combat veteran who last year marched 33 miles from the Visiting Angels in Adrian to the Ann Arbor Alzheimer’s Association’s Great Lakes Chapter to raise donations toward riding the world of Alzheimer’s, is ready to take the hike again and would like you to walk right beside him – in support.

Welbaum is owner/director of Visiting Angels South Central Michigan which provides elder care services to families all over the area. During the spring of 2018, Welbaum and Scott Doney, who also is a combat veteran and is administrative director for Visiting Angels South Central Michigan, developed the “Vets March to End Alzheimer’s” Campaign.

The duo didn’t just walk from Adrian to Ann Arbor – they “Ruck” marched the 33 miles, military style while wearing 35-40 pound “Ruck Sacks” on their backs.

“We took our campaign and partnered with the Alzheimer’s Association Great Lakes Chapter out of Ann Arbor to raise donations for furthering research toward ending Alzheimer’s, in addition to funding free support programs throughout our local communities for those impacted by Alzheimer’s and their family members,” said Welbaum, who also is a board member at the Alzheimer’s Association, MI Great Lakes Chapter.

After fundraising from countless street corners under the blazing sun, hosting numerous bake sales, cheer leading about the march at the fairgrounds, being invited to interview on various radio shows, telling our story in multiple media outlets, and ruck marching 33 miles, they raised $35,000  – the most of any franchise in the nation. This year, they’ve doubled their fundraising goal to $70,000.

This Friday (Sept. 6), Tim and Scott – along with three additional veterans – will be marching again in the fight against Alzheimer’s, leaving Adrian at 2 a.m. and likely arriving at the Ann Arbor parking lot of the Alzheimer’s Association, MI Great Lakes Chapter in Ann Arbor around 3:30 p.m.

As was true last year, they will be carrying packs on their backs the whole way. They also will be carrying the hope of millions of people suffering from this horrible disease.

“Our Ruck sacks weigh between 35-40 pounds and will be carried the entire way,” Welbaum said.

The five veterans participating are: Tim Welbaum – Army; Scott Doney – Army; Brad Baker – Marines & Army; Josh Wood – Air Force; and Cody Dilyard – Army.

Click here to support the group on their walk and help them reach their goal  



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