Coming Soon: October events at the Dexter District Library

Tuesday, October 1 from 4:00 to 5:00 pm
First Tuesday Lego Club
Kids in grades K through 8 are invited to spend an afternoon making their own Lego creations while visiting with old friends and making new ones.  Everyone is welcome – Legos will be provided by the Library.  Registration is not required.

Saturday, October 5 at 11:00 am
Ukulele Club
All skill levels are welcome, including beginners in grades 4 through 12.Try out one of our ukuleles or bring your own and learn chords and song structure from Hudson Education Center for the Arts staff.  Registration is not required.

Saturday, October 5 from 12:30 to 1:30 pm
Teen Advisory Group (TAG)
Teens in grades 7 through 12 are invited to get involved with the Library by attending our Teen Advisory Group (TAG) meetings.  Help plan programs, organize community service projects, and volunteer at Library events.  This is a great opportunity to build up your resume and obtain volunteer hours.  Registration is required beginning Saturday, September 14, pizza lunch provided.

Saturday, October 5 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Friends Used Book Sale

Wednesday, October 9 at 2:00 pm (schools early release)
Movie & Popcorn for Kids
Kids of all ages are invited to stop by the Library and watch The Secret Life of Pets 2 (2019) on the big screen while enjoying a free bag of popcorn.  Continuing the story of Max and his pet friends, following their secret lives after their owners leave them for work or school each day.   Registration is not required.  Rated G – 86 minutes.

Wednesday, October 9 at 2:00 pm (schools early release)
DIY Book Safe
Teens and kids in grades 5 through 12 will learn how to transform an old book into a cool safe for their tiny treasures.  Registration begins Monday, September 9.

Thursday, October 10 at 4:30 pm
Super Stories
This is a book appreciation group for grades K through 2.  We’ll share stories, have snacks and do activities.  This month’s theme is “Fall”.  Registration is required beginning Thursday, September 12.

Thursday, October 10
American Red Cross Blood Drive

Thursday, October 17 at 4:30 pm
All Star Readers
This is a book discussion group for kids in grades 3 through 4.  Each month, we will read and discuss a book, have snacks and do activities.  This month we’re reading Saving Winslow by Sharon Creech. Registration is required, beginning Thursday, September 19.

Thursday, October 17 at 4:30 pm
Tween Book Club
This is a book discussion group for grades 5 to 6.  Read the book and be prepared to answer trivia questions for a chance to win a prize. We will discuss the book, enjoy a snack, and do a craft.  Stop by the Youth Reference Desk for a copy of the book Stormbreaker (Alex Rider) by Anthony Horowitz.  Registration begins Thursday, September 19.

Friday, October 18  from 6:00 to 8:30 pm
Magic: The Gathering (MTG)
Teens in grades 6 through 12 are invited to join us for monthly MTG tournament-style games and pizza.  Prizes awarded to top players.  Registration is required beginning Friday, September 20. Co-sponsored with SRSLY Dexter.

Saturday, October 19 at 11:00 am
Drop-In Halloween Story Time and Craft
Join us for 30 minutes of stories and music celebrating Halloween.  Geared for children ages six and under but everyone is welcome.  A simple craft will be provided following the program.  Registration is not required.

Tuesday, October 22 at 6:30 pm
Drop-In Evening Story Time
Drop-In Evening Story Time will be held in the lower level meeting room on September 24 and October 22 at 6:30 pm. Geared for ages 6 and under but everyone is welcome to attend.  Each session lasts approximately 30 minutes.  Drop-In Story Times for children include picture, pop-up and interactive books, flannel-board stories, songs, puppets, finger plays, crafts and other activities that encourage a love of reading to your child. These events are free and open to the public.

Thursday, October 24 from 4:00 to 5:00 pm
This is a drop-In program for grades K through 8.  Make, build, craft and explore.  Participate in a variety of open-ended activities.  We supply the materials and you supply the imagination. Registration is not required.

Saturday, October 26 at 11:00 am
Ventriloquist/Comedian Richard Paul Presents: The Ha Ha Halloween Show
This non-scary, ghoulishly funny, spectacular autumn show includes life size puppets, magic, music, awesome special effects and hilarious audience participation.  For adults, teens and kids of all ages, registration is not required.

Thursday, October 31
DDL @ Monument Park for Dexter’s Trick or Treat
Stop by our table in Monument Park and pick up some Library treats.

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