Things to Know: Dexter City Update (hydrant flushing, fall cleanup, farmer’s market events, more)

Hydrant Flushing

City Utility Department staff are continuing to flush hydrants throughout the City. The schedule for week four of the flushing is as follows:

Huron Farms (expected to be completed Monday), Original Village Neighborhoods, Westridge

As crews flush hydrants there may be some discoloration of the water. Residents who experience “rust colored” water should simply run the cold water tap to clear the household pipes.  The rust coloring is caused by a natural build up of minerals in the water system.  Some natural mineral deposits are stirred up in the water pipes when fire hydrants are first turned on.  If possible, try to avoid washing white clothes during this time. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Utility Department at 734-426-4572 during the hours of 7:00 am and 3:30 pm. Thank you for your cooperation during this effort to maintain the quality of your water system.

Transportation Forum

The communities of western Washtenaw County will be hosting a Transportation Forum on Saturday, October 19, 2019 at the Chelsea Senior Center from 10 am-noon. This will be a great opportunity to discuss the current and future transportation challenges facing our communities. For more information, including a link to an online survey, visit –

Fall Clean Up

The City provides expanded collection of trash, appliances, and other bulky items on the third Monday of May and October each year. The fall clean up will occur on Monday, October 21, 2019. The following additional guidelines apply: 1) All loose material must be contained. 2) Appliances and bulky items are limited to what two people can safely lift. For more information view the Waste Management flyer at –

Please have items out to the curb by 6 am.

October Farmers Market Events

The Dexter Farmers Market is open Saturdays from 8 am to 1 pm and Tuesdays from 2 pm to 6 pm. The last day for the Market for the 2019 season is October 26th. In the last two weeks of October, the Market will be hosting the following events:

Saturday, October 19, 2019 from 10 am to noon the Market will offer free pumpkin painting for kids 12 and under.

Saturday, October 26, 2019 at 11:30 am will be the annual Dress Up Your Dog for Halloween Contest.

Bridge Inspection

The Washtenaw County Road Commission will be performing an inspection on the Mast Road Bridge on Tuesday, October 15, 2019. This work will require intermittent closures of the bridge. If we receive more detailed information from the Road Commission with the time and duration we will send it out.

Public Hearing Notice

The following is a public hearing notice for the City of Dexter:

City Council will hold the following Public Hearing on Monday, October 28, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. at the Dexter Senior Center (7720 Ann Arbor St):

The purpose of the hearing is to receive public input on an application for an Industrial Facilities Tax Exemption Certificate filed by k-Space.

k-Space Associates, Inc. is proposing investments of $1,698,300 in real property improvements, for property it owns at 2182 Bishop Cr E and 2218 Bishop Cr E. The exemption would apply to the increase in taxable value of the real property, resulting from the proposed investment, at the above referenced properties, located in Dexter, Michigan, for a period up to eight (8) years.

To view the public hearing notice visit –

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