Boys Cross Country: 30 of 37 Dreadnaughts record best times at 35th annual Gabriel Richard race

By Barbara Read / For WLD

The Dexter boys’ cross country parents are trying very hard not to be that screaming guy in the car commercial at the finish line as the boys’ cross country team hits the race course again and nearly every runner hits a new record time. On Saturday, the team knocked out yet another breathtaking performance.

Saturday’s 35th annual Gabriel Richard race at Hudson Mills offered a unique opportunity for the team. The top four runners took a long run training day to prepare for the SEC Championship and let the rest of the team carry the day. All runners ran in the same race, and the first seven to cross the finish line would be varsity and any who had not previously competed as varsity would earn their Varsity Awards.

At the top of the lineup on Saturday, Connor Kolka came in first among the Dreadnaughts and solidified his spot as the fifth man on the varsity team heading to the championships on Thursday with an incredible PR of 16:23. Finn Bell came in as the second varsity runner with a new PR at 16:41 and will be the sixth varsity runner on Thursday. Nathan Gariepy finished third at Gabriel Richard with a time of 17:05 and jumped up into the 7th varsity spot for the first time this season.

An incredible 30 of 37 runners hit new all-time fastest scores to PR again on the course. Another four ran their fastest races of the season for a total of 34/37 PRs or SRs. As usual, there were some huge standouts among the group. Ethan Mauch (- 2:38), Quentin Hurdle (-1:52), Victor Li (-1:34), Kyle Sutton (-1;30), Landon Wilson (-1:26), Griffin Bentley (-1:22), Drew Gochanour (-1:09), Chase Lutz (-1:04), and Will O’Haver (-1:02) topped the cut times by running over a minute faster than at any other race this season.

With times like these, Coach Drew Collette has to remind the boys to stay grounded and keep their eye on the goal through the last three meets of the 2019 season, “Most of you have set big PR’s at Portage and Gabriel Richard, but I challenge you not to be satisfied. Best is yet to come in the final few weeks, keep working!”  

Come out to Hudson Mills on Thursday at 4 p.m. to cheer the boys on to win the SECs in the White Division race against Lincoln, Adrian, Pinckney, Chelsea, Jackson, Tecumseh, and Ypsilanti. The reserve team runs at 5:10. Girls varsity is at 3 p.m. and reserve at 4:30. 

Varsity Results

Conor Kolka
Finnegan Bell     16:41.4PR
Nathan Gariepy   17:05.3PR
Masanari Kimura   17:16.2PR
Adam Hauser     17:34.7
John Harm     17:45.9
Zachary Sawin   17:47.2PR

Reserve Results

Michael Tyler
Wilson Kasischke   18:13.3PR
Jonathan Adamczyk 18:33.3PR
Noah Cobb     18:47.0PR
Josh Lamb     18:55.4 SR
Griffin Bentley     19:15.3PR
Nathan Biggs     19:17.3PR
Drew Gochanour   19:18.9PR
Rylan Teddy     19:22.3PR
Andy Jordan     19:23.1PR
Chase Lutz     19:37.5PR
Will O’Haver     19:39.1PR
Owen Ackerman   19:39.8PR
Thomas DesRosiers 19:46.6PR
Holden Hughes   20:02.8PR
Kaden Jensen     20:25.2PR
Austin Zeglis     20:30.6 SR
Mason Grann     20:37.7PR
Luke Petrinko     20:54.2 SR
Evan Bursch     21:16.5 SR
Kyle Sutton     21:34.3PR
Andrew Petik     21:53.0PR
Landon Wilson   22:00.1PR
Emerson Nguyen   22:01.6PR
Vincenso Sencich   22:19.3PR
Quentin Hurdle   23:07.5PR
Ethan Mauch     23:32.4PR
Victor Li       24:29.6PR
Nathan Robke     25:52.2PR
Thomas Bauer   26:19.6
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