Around Town: Dexter City Update (Open House, Hydrant Flushing, School Crosswalk Project, More)

Wastewater Treatment Plant Open House

This afternoon (Thursday, October 17, 2019) the City will be hosting an open house at the Wastewater Treatment Plant (8360 Huron St.) from 4 pm to 6 pm. The public is invited to take a tour of the plant and learn about the upgrades that have been made as part of the $5.5 million project that started in the fall of 2018.

This project is one of the largest projects undertaken at the Dexter Wastewater Treatment Plant and ensures that our community will continue to have an effective and reliable treatment plant to serve our wastewater processing needs, while protecting our essential natural resource – the Huron River.

Event Flyer –

Hydrant Flushing

City Utility Department staff are continuing to flush hydrants throughout the City. The schedule for next week is as follows:

Original Village Neighborhoods and Westridge

As crews flush hydrants there may be some discoloration of the water. Residents who experience “rust colored” water should simply run the cold water tap to clear the household pipes. The rust coloring is caused by a natural build up of minerals in the water system.  Some natural mineral deposits are stirred up in the water pipes when fire hydrants are first turned on.  If possible, try to avoid washing white clothes during this time. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Utility Department at 734-426-4572 during the hours of 7:00 am and 3:30 pm. Thank you for your cooperation during this effort to maintain the quality of your water system.

School Crosswalk Project

Improvements to four school crossings in the City will start on Friday, October 18, 2019. This project includes the installation of new crosswalks on Dan Hoey near Lexington and Ann Arbor Street near Kensington. Rapid flashing beacons will also be installed: at the two previously mentioned crossings; along Dan Hoey near Dongara; and along Baker near the pedestrian island. Please proceed with caution through the construction zones.

Prescription Drug Take Back Event

The Washtenaw County Sheriff is partnering with the Opiod Prescribing Engagement Network (OPEN) to host a prescription drug take back event in Monument Park on Saturday, October 19, 2019 from 10 am to 2 pm.

Public Hearing Notice

The following is a public hearing notice for the City of Dexter:

Planning Commission will hold the following Public Hearing on Monday, November 4, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. at the Dexter Senior Center (7720 Ann Arbor St):

The purpose of the public hearing is to receive comments on the proposed update to the City of Dexter Master Plan.  The Master Plan is a comprehensive document, long-range in its view, and includes specific goals, objectives, strategies, and public policy recommendations regarding land use and future growth in the City of Dexter.  The Master Plan is intended to serve as a guide for future City decision-making related to land use, community development, economic development and capital improvements projects.  The Master Plan was last updated in 2012, with an amendment occurring in 2016.

To view the public hearing notice and draft plan visit –

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