Profile: Jackson Lewandowski enjoyed his role as Scarecrow in ‘Wizard of Oz’

The Dexter Drama Club celebrating the 80th anniversary of “The Wizard of Oz” with its Fall Production at Dexter High School CPA over the weekend. And the reviews are in – thumbs up!

The show was another DDC hit and Jackson Lewandowski was proud and excited to play the Scarecrow – no wonder Dorothy missed him the most.

“I wanted to join this show because I have done shows in the past and I really like ‘The Wizard of Oz,’” said Lewandowski last week before the show hit the stage. “Rehearsals were kind of long but they also could be fun. It feels great to see the show come together.”

Jackson, the son of Pam Friday and Ross Lewandowski, is a junior and also is in the Symphonic Band. He said he loved being the Scarecrow and “being able to act clumsy.” Despite having a lot of lines to memorize, he enjoyed the process leading up to opening night.

And he enjoys the entire theatre experience.

“I have been in six other productions with the Drama club since seventh grade,” he said.

His acting resume includes “Hercules,” “Cinderella,” “The Lion King Jr,” “On The Town,” “Oliver!” and “Little Shop of Horrors.”

“The thing that I like most about theater is being able to meet people and make friends,” he said. “After high school, I plan to go to college for music and I plan on continuing with theater.”

“If anyone treads on my toes or sticks a pin into me, it doesn’t matter, for I can’t feel it. But I do not want people to call me a fool …” – Scarecrow


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