Huron-Waterloo Pathways Initiative announces 2019 Legacy Builder Award Winners

Huron-Waterloo Pathways Initiative (HWPI) recently announced the 2019 Legacy Builder Awards, recognizing some of the outstanding individuals and community partners who have made important contributions to the expansion of the Border-to-Border Trail.

Our Volunteer Award goes to Renee Rutz.  As a member of the Running Goddesses and friend of Karen McKeachie, Renee was one of the first volunteers to support the Karen’s Trail community outreach effort. She has volunteered for everything from manning the HWPI Info Tent to hanging deer flags on trail fences.  Renee, we are so grateful for your enthusiasm and support!

Our Individual Contributor Award goes to Bob Krzewinski.  Bob has been supporting the B2B Trail since 2008, as a founding member and most recent Board Chair of the Friends of the Border-to-Border Trail. He is a dedicated steward and ambassador for the B2B, spending many hours in the community sharing information and facilitating stewardship opportunities on the original sections of the trail in Ypsilanti and Ann Arbor.

Our Community Contributor Award was presented to the Ann Arbor Track Club. The AATC has been a supporter of Karen’s Trail since the beginning. Through the AATC’s partnership, Karen’s Trail was named a charity partner of the Dexter-Ann Arbor Run, their signature race. This provided an amazing opportunity to engage the community and showcase the current and future trail, as the race runs along the site of the future B2B Trail along the Huron River.  We are so grateful to the Ann Arbor Track Club for their partnership.

Our Organizational Contributor Award was presented to St. Joseph Mercy Health System. St. Joe’s early support, with a major gift in 2015, launched a wave of progress that helped bring the trail to its current state today. Support from Rob Casalou at the corporate level and Nancy Graebner at the hospital level demonstrate St. Joe’s deep commitment to building healthy, active and connected communities.

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