Meet the HWPI Team: Executive Director Susan Faulkner

From Huron Waterloo Pathways Initiative

Susan Faulkner joined the HWPI team in the spring of 2017 as the Executive Director, inspired by Karen McKeachie, Lew Kidder and all of the passionate people working to build trails in Washtenaw County. With a master’s degree in Public Administration, a career in nonprofit consulting and management, and a passion for the outdoors, Susan is thrilled to be working with HWPI.

Fundraising, partner engagement, organizational administration and special project work such as the Interpretive Master Plan, are her primary areas of focus, as is developing the growing organization.

Susan grew up in southeast Michigan, lived overseas for a number of years and eventually settling in Washtenaw County. She now resides in Lodi Township, with her husband Ermal and their two sons, Nicholas and Benjamin. Nicholas attends the University of Michigan and Benjamin is a sophomore at Saline High School. The whole family is often recruited to support HWPI events. Outside of work, she enjoys running, biking, cooking and spending time with family and friends.

Susan is energized by the progress toward completing the B2B and HWPI’s collective effort to support the project. She is honored to work with the incredible HWPI board and team.

She expressed her thanks by saying, “The HWPI volunteers, partners, donors and staff are an amazing group of people who have come together to make our community better by building the B2B.”

For more information on HWPI

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