DCS Athletics Public Forum Restructuring Scheduled for Dec. 9

On Monday, Dec. 9, Dexter Schools will host a second public forum regarding the proposed restructuring of their Athletics Program, to be held in the Mill Creek Middle School Cafeteria at 6:30 p.m.

In a recent letter to Dexter families and community members, Superintendent Chris Timmis shared an overview of the review process undertaken by the Ad Hoc Athletics Committee over the last two years.  The Board of Education charged the committee to look at the current DCS Athletic Program with two main goals: 1) review and make recommendations to the BOE regarding DCS offerings and the structure of district-funded and self-funded club sports, and 2) review and make recommendations to the Board of Education regarding a financially sustainable and Title IX compliant K-12 athletic program.

The committee has spent many hours researching, meeting and discussing these charges, and have created a proposal which will be presented to the BOE for discussion at their January 2020 meeting.  The proposed recommendations include moving almost all self-funded sports under the school funding umbrella next fall and adjusting the pay-to-participate fees to $250 per sport at DHS and $150 per sport at Mill Creek, with a family cap of $1000.  The committee also recommends increasing coaches’ salaries and implementing a scholarship/waiver program for participation fees.

Before formally going to the Board, the District has scheduled the public forum on Dec. 9 as an opportunity for community feedback.The presentation and proposal can be found on the DCS website at dexterschools.org.




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