Wrestling: Dexter pins Adrian, Pinckney in tri-meet (WLD photo gallery)

“We haven’t had much look in the past against Adrian so that was a nice win,” said Dexter Coach Matt Chisolm.

The Dexter wrestling team is having a lot of “nice wins” this season including two more on Wednesday night as the Dreadnaughts pinned down Adrian 51-28 and Pinckney 44-26 in an SEC White Division tri-meet before a big crowd at Dexter.

In the first meet against the Maples, only two matches went the distance. Dexter’s Jacob Joyce lost 17-4 at 135 pounds while Dexter’s Noah Drummond won 8-5 at 140 pounds.

Dexter’s Eli Yount (125) and Dylan Lorincz (130) won with pins in the first period.

After voids at 145 and 152, Dexter went on an impressive run. Brendan Valerio (160) and Jasper Howell (171) had first-period pins for the Dreads. James Mazerok (189) and Mark Young (215) had second-period pins.

Kevin Blanchard had a pin in the second period at 119 for the home team.

Dexter hosts the annual Al Ritt Wrestling Invitational on Saturday. Wrestling begins at 9 a.m. and goes throughout the day. Participating teams include Dexter, Pioneer, Belleville, Hanover-Horton, Tecumseh and Lincoln.













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