B2B Trail construction continues through winter months

The January weather has not stopped construction progress on the B2B Trail! Take a look at what is happening on the B2B from the Huron Waterloo Pathways Initiative.

Huron River Drive Trail, Dexter Huron Metropark to Zeeb Road – Both bridges have been set in place. The contractors are now working on the remaining four boardwalks. As a reminder, the boardwalk to bridge #2 is still closed and marked with orange cones as the handrails are not fully installed. Almost all of the trail restoration work was completed in late December and early January. The remainder of the work will be done this spring.

Lyndon Township Trailhead – The contractor has completed the rough site grading and the grading for the universal hiking trail. The limestone base material for the parking lot has been put in place and placement of the gravel on the hiking trail has begun.

M-52 Chelsea-Stockbridge Trail, Green Lake to North Territorial Road – The contractor continues to work on the path grading, earthwork balancing and placing the limestone base material. They have also started work on the retaining walls behind the Lyndon Township Hall.

M-52 Trail, Tunnel Project – The work for this project is being scheduled for an April or May start date.

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