Around Town: Youth Board, Election Update, Dexter Art Gardens, More

Youth Board Representative Recruitment

The City of Dexter is recruiting Youth Board Representatives to: the Dexter City Council; Planning Commission; Parks and Recreation Commission; and Arts, Culture, and Heritage Committee. Two (2) Student Representatives will be appointed to each Board. The term of appointment is June 2020 – June 2021. These positions are designed to be mutually beneficial to both the students and the Committees or Commissions on which they serve. The students shall gain a tremendous learning experience about the workings of local government and the policy making process, while the Committees and Commissions benefit by having the perspectives of younger members of the community. Student representatives shall not have voting privileges, but may participate in all discussions.

Eligible applicants must live in the Dexter Community School District (preference will be given to City residents), and be in grades 9 – 12 (preference will be given to students in grades 11 – 12). Students who attend private school, public school, or home school are welcome to apply.  For more information please visit –

Hawker/Peddler Permit

A hawker/peddler permit has been issued to Keller Williams – Kathy Toth Team to go door to door in the City. The permit is valid on Saturday, February 1, 2020 from 9 am to 1 pm.

DTE Substation Removal

Those passing by the area of Grand St. and Broad St. may have noticed that DTE has been working on removing the downtown substation. This is the culmination of a partnership between DTE and the City to remove the substation from the downtown area. Once the demolition is complete, the land will be given to the City in exchange for two acres of land that the City currently owns on Dan Hoey. DTE will use the land on Dan Hoey for a future substation. The City will combine the former DTE parcel with the land around it, which is owned by the City’s Downtown Development Authority (DDA). The City and DDA are continuing to work with Norfolk Homes on the redevelopment of this important area along Mill Creek Park.

March 10, 2020 Election Update

An election will be held on Tuesday, March 10, 2020 for the purposes of the Presidential Primary.  Voters will have the option of selecting a ballot for a specific political party or a “proposal only” ballot, which will not contain Presidential Primary candidates. The proposal is a Washtenaw Community College millage renewal and restoration request.

Absentee ballots for those that have returned applications will be mailed on Friday, January 31, 2020. To be added to the permanent absentee voter list or to request an absentee ballot application for the March election, please send an e-mail to or call 734-580-2234.

2020-21 Dexter Art Gardens Temporary Sculpture Display Call for Entries

The “Dexter Art Gardens” is an annual outdoor artwork exhibition sponsored by the Dexter Arts, Culture & Heritage Committee and the City of Dexter. Three (3) temporary outdoor artworks will be juried and placed on temporary display along with the City’s permanent collection for one (1) year: June 2020 – May 2021. The selected pieces will be installed on concrete pads in highly trafficked locations throughout Dexter. Applications may be submitted via e-mail, hard-copy, or the online Call for Entries platform, CaFE at: . Submitting an application via the CaFE site is free. The deadline for submissions is February 27, 2020. Additional information, including the application form, may be found on the City’s website at:

Faith in Action/Avalon Housing Community Information Sessions

The public is invited to attend community information sessions about Hilltop View Apartments, the proposed Faith in Action/Avalon Housing affordable/supportive housing and permanent Faith in Action food pantry development on Dan Hoey Road in Dexter. The sessions will be held at Dexter United Methodist Church (7643 Huron River Dr) on Thursday, February 6th at 6 pm and Saturday, February 15th at 3 pm. Each session will share the same information and include representatives from Faith in Action, Avalon Housing, Dexter Community Schools and the Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office.

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