SRSLY Dexter Adult Steering Committee Meeting Minutes for Feb. 10

SRSLY Dexter Adult Steering Committee Meeting Minutes: Feb. 10, 2020
At Mill Creek Middle School (7305 Dexter Ann Arbor Rd. Dexter, MI 48130), Office Conference Room

Present: Denise Kasischke, Jamie Guise, Paul Cousins, Sarah Schmidt & Reiley Curran

SRSLY Updates

Dexter, Check In With Us
This week we are doing our first monthly check in at Mill Creek and the High School with the new Project Success Counselor Trista Palmer. We are sharing one positive fact with the school, as well as giving them a free small treat, to celebrate the great things they are doing.

The February statistic is 85% of Dexter Student approve of their friends being drug free, and we are giving them a valentine with chocolate or a sucker.

Dance Marathon
The youth are staring to plan the Escape Room for the Dance Marathon at Mill Creek this year. The theme this year is “the Masked Dancer” and the youth are planning a Masquerade Ball themed Clue Escape room.

Duct Tape Extravaganza
The youth have decided that they would like to host another Duct Tape Extravaganza, where students can enter into the completions and make either a clothing item, an accessory, or an art piece out of duct tape. They are still deciding whether the voting process will take place during or after school, during the Dexter Community Schools Art Walk Week.

New Director!

We have hired a new director, Mary Crisenbery.
Her first day will be March 9. She and her husband are moving here from Cadillac, so she may be stacking her hours until they are moved. This means she may work 40 hours one week and take the next week off, since she is part time.

Volunteer Ideas for the Coalition
The youth have indicated that they enjoy volunteering in the community and doing things as a SRSLY group, so I want to get some ideas from all of you as to what they could do.
Rotary Presentation
City Clean Up: Walking trails. Community garden
March in Memorial Day Parade
Circles Dinners with Rotary
Ronald McDonald House Dinners
Habitat for Humanity – Too young for builds
Food Gatherers
Nurf Club – helping with younger youth
Helping prepare meals at United Methodist Church
Faith in Action

National Coalition Academy
NCA is a 3 week training for coalitions that helps them work on logic models, strategic planning, sustainability and evaluation. We wanted to know if there any topics you wanted us to focus on, or challenges you wanted us to address.
Community education: How to inform parents when the thought is, “It’s not my kid”
Enforcement & Consequences: What are police doing if they see youth vaping? What happens when a youth is caught at school? Can we work with law enforcement and/or the schools to have a set plan for consequences and enforcement?

Community Updates and Round Table Sharing
Magic the Gathering is at the library on Friday, Feb. 21.
Denise told us that we may be able to get a discount through Classic Pizza. I reached out to them, and they said we can get 14inch, one topping pizzas for $6. By switching to Classic Pizza we would be paying a similar price to Little Caesars, but its closer, local, and we would get $6 -$8 per pizza in local match! (We order approx. 8 pizzas, so approx. $56 in local match per month).

Nerf Club at Dexter United Methodist has been going great! They are doing a glow in the Dark Egg Hunt and Nurf Night on Good Friday. We are working to get youth to volunteer for this!

CPTN SRSLY Workshops started on January 23rd at Creekside. The workshop was sold out, but we did have 2 youth drop out.

There is a Grant Workshop with Rotary that Jamie Guise and I will be attending to explore how we may be able to get grants through our local Rotary, and have them matched by Rotary at the District Level.

Upcoming SRSLY Events: Please mark your calendars!
Adult Steering Committee Meeting- Monday, March 9th 10-11am @ Millcreek Middle School
Magic The Gathering- February 21st.
CPTN SRSLY Workshops- Thursdays from January 23rd-March 12th
Wylie Wellness Night- Friday, March 6th, 6:30-8pm @ Wylie Elementary School
Vaping 101- Wednesday, March 11th 6:30-7:30pm @ Millcreek Middle School
Dance Marathon- Friday, March 20th, 3:15-6:00pm @ Millcreek Middle School
Duct Tape Extravaganza- Tentatively Thursday, March 14th, 3:15-5pm @ Millcreek Middle School

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