U-M asks community to donate gear to protect health care workers and patients from COVID-19

Right now, health care workers at the University of Michigan’s hospitals and clinics have the gear they need to protect themselves and others as they care for patients with COVID-19.

But with the number of COVID-19 patients rising daily, leaders at Michigan Medicine are asking for the community’s help in donating supplies now. That way, supplies will be ready if needed in coming days and weeks, to protect staff and patients at U-M’s academic medical center and outpatient clinics in several counties.

Starting Saturday, March 21 from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m., and continuing daily until further notice, U-M will open a drive-through donation site at its North Campus Research Complex, at the corner of Huron Parkway and Plymouth Road in Ann Arbor. The site is the former Pfizer complex that U-M purchased ten years ago.

What to donate:

New or unused:

  • Disposable face masks
  • N95 masks, sometimes called respirators
  • Eye protection including face shields and safety goggles
  • Disposable gowns
  • Disposable gloves, especially non-latex
  • Disposable surgical caps
  • Disposable foot covers
  • Wipes: bleach or antimicrobial
  • Hand sanitizer

More specialized items:

  • PAPRs (powered air-purifying respirators) and PAPR hoods
  • Nasal testing swabs
  • Viral testing kits

What not to donate:

  • At this time U-M is not accepting home-sewn reusable masks or 3-D printed ventilator parts. However, if this changes, an announcement will be made.
  • Donations of other items such as medications, food, blankets, medical equipment or other supplies are not needed at this time. If that changes, an announcement will be made.
  • Monetary donations to support Michigan Medicine COVID-19 operations can be made at http://victors.us/covid19

When to donate:

Saturday, March 21 and Sunday, March 22, 12 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.

How to donate:

  • The donation center is at 2800 Plymouth Road, Ann Arbor, 48109 which is set back from Plymouth Road and Huron Parkway.
  • Donors should enter from Huron Parkway and follow signs to the loading dock.
  • Donors will not need to get out of their cars if they prefer not to.
  • Staff will maintain safe physical distance from donors, and will wear gloves and regularly clean their hands.
  • Donors will be asked to provide basic contact information and may request a receipt for their records
  • The loading dock can accommodate donations of all sizes.

Donors who are not feeling well should wait until they feel better to donate.

“It’s truly incredible what we have heard from local residents and businesses, and people all over the state, in recent days. We’ve received offers of supplies that they know are needed to care for COVID-19 patients, and our team has ramped up quickly to be able to accept them,” says Janet Abbruzzese, who directs supply chain management for Michigan Medicine. “We have already had an amazing outpouring of supplies from scientific laboratories across the university, and now we are turning to the broader community.”

Volunteers are not needed at this time to sort donated items. If that changes it will be announced.

For more information on coronavirus and COVID-19 response at Michigan Medicine visit https://www.uofmhealth.org/covid-19-update

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