Advisory: Update Related to Law Enforcement Response to Governors ‘Stay Home’ Order

Update Related to Law Enforcement Response to Governors ‘Stay Home’ Order

Following the announcement of the Governors “Stay Home, Stay Safe” executive order, we have received many questions related to how citizens can report a business or individual that is violating the order. Originally, you may have been directed to the Attorney General’s office. However, due to the overwhelming response we are now asking residents to contact your local dispatch center through 9-1-1.

While all aspects of the executive order are to be followed and law enforcement is interested in violations, we are asking callers to be mindful of the limited law enforcement resources available to respond to all calls for service. We ask that you focus on behaviors that pose serious risk to public safety and that may exacerbate community spread.

This morning, the public safety leaders from each agency within Washtenaw County met to discuss and align our response protocols.

  • Upon calling 9-1-1, dispatch will relay the complaint to your local police agency
  • Each agency will determine the severity of the violation and respond appropriately
  • Our initial response will focus on education in order to gain compliance with the order
  • Our intent is not to arrest, but appropriate action will be taken if necessary

As a reminder, the Stay Home, Stay Safe executive order went into effect on Tuesday, March 24th. You can find the full text of the Stay Home, Stay Safe executive order here.

The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services has clarified activities that you can and cannot do under the Executive order.


  • Go to the grocery store or pick up take-out food.
  • Go to the pharmacy to pick up a needed prescription.
  • Engage in outdoor activities like walking, hiking, running, biking.
  • Go to the hospital or secure any care necessary to address a medical emergency or to preserve your health or the health of a loved one.
  • Fill your car with gas.
  • Return to Michigan to a home or place of residence from outside the State.
  • Leave the State for a home or residence elsewhere.
  • Walk your pets and take them to the veterinarian for needed medical care.


  • Leave home to work unless your employer designates you as a critical infrastructure worker.
  • Participate in any public gatherings.
  • Visit someone in the hospital, nursing home, or other residential care facilities (with limited exceptions).
  • Go to the mall or to dine-in restaurants.

Additionally, the Washtenaw County Health Department has issued emergency orders requiring essential service providers and businesses, including childcare centers, to use recommended screening and social distancing to protect everyone’s health to the greatest degree possible. Only those operations deemed critical under the Governor’s “Stay Home Stay Safe” order or directly serving essential workers remain open.

The Washtenaw order takes effect March 26, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. and requires all essential services and businesses to take the following actions to protect their workers and the entire community.

  • Work remotely whenever possible.
  • Screen everyone. Check employees for fever or other symptoms if they will enter facilities or buildings.
  • Maintain 6 feet of distance between people whenever possible.
  • Emphasize frequent and proper hand washing. Make sure sinks are well supplied.
  • Do not share space or equipment. If this is not possible, have employees wash their hands before and after using shared equipment. Clean and sanitize equipment between uses.
  • Any employee with cold symptoms or underlying health conditions should stay home or work remotely.

The orders must be posted at facility entrances. There is an order for businesses and entities remaining open, as well as a separate order for childcare centers remaining open.

The Health Department is working to provide guidance and support as quickly as possible. This document is available and can answer many initial questions: Managing COVID-19 in the Workplace. Direct additional and urgent questions to 734-544-6700 or

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